06 Марта 2025 | четверг | 18:15


Декабря 14, 2009

Yuri Shevelev, Minister of Energy and Utilities of the Sverdlovsk region, believes that the harmonization and implementation of development programs in the region will provide a balance of energy consumption and energy production; the optimal proportion of imported and local fuel resources and the orderly development of alternative energy and energy conservation technologies will enable the region to become energy efficient.

In preparing of the governmental order of Sverdlovsk Region "About the basic directions of development of energy sector until 2015" was considered the forecast of consumption by three variants, taking into account different scenarios of development of industry and utilities. In which of these three variants is going the development in 2009-2010.?

At present, we continue to adhere to the third - the maximum scenario for the development of generating capacity and grid complex. Despite the fact that the volume of consumption in the Sverdlovsk region fell by 18%, we clearly understand that tomorrow, this volume will easily be restored, so we continue to focus on the 5,5 MW. Energy potentials taken into consideration during the scenario of the development of the economy until 2020 will be very useful for us. By the results of 2009 industry began to rise. Shipment has gone. A bottom of crisis, I think, we passed.

All that is written in the program we perform at 100%. Wу Perfectly understand that those bottlenecks that have existed, did not disappear. We have to ensure the capacity of transmission lines; we should be ready for the growth of electricity consumption, which will happen soon. Over the period of 2008-2009 years 38 substations with voltage of 10 kV to 500 kV were put in operation on substation "Emelino”. What about generation - we continue to build combined-cycle unit at Sredneuralskaya TPP at 410 MW. To date, OGK-5 and the company Enel, in whose department is the station, confirmed that the volume of work performed is fully consistent with the volume of commissioning, which was declared in the program. In the fourth quarter of 2010 this unit will be put into operation.

Substation "Anna" (220 kV) was put into operation at 11 November, which will help to put into operation a fifth production line of Open Society "Sukholozhskcement", one of the largest producers of cement in the Urals. Start-up of substation Anna is compound, and very significant, part of the whole complex of actions of the development of economic potential of the Sverdlovsk region and the important stage in the development of an electropower complex of the Sverdlovsk region in 2009.

Anna is the substation that is designed, constructed and equipped in accordance with the latest developments and requirements. Modern equipment, transformers with capacity of 80 MVA are installed at this substation. For the communication with Open Society "Sukholozhskcement" the air-line of an electricity transmission by a pressure of 220 кV and the general extent of 23 km is laid.

With start-up of substation there is an opportunity of development of the building industry so, there will be new opportunities to increase the rates of housing construction in Sverdlovsk region, cheapening its value and creating new jobs. I would like to note that the object was constructed under the investment program of Open Society "MRSC of Urals" and "Agreement to enhance the reliability and power development in Sverdlovsk region", signed between the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region and RAO UES of Russia ". Design substation began in 2007. Projecting of substation has begun in 2007. Construction began in December 2008. Total volume of investments made up nearly half a billion rubles, including 600 million rubles - means of investor in the face of the German company Dyukerhoff. For the first time in the Urals substation construction of this class was completed in so short (less than one year) period, and ahead of schedule and in full accordance with the approved specifications allowed us to create additional jobs, were attracted: local designers, suppliers, builders and installers.

What part do you assign to atomic energy in the Sverdlovsk region?

We continue the construction of power block BN-800 at Beloyarskaya NPP (nuclear power plant). Putting into operation is scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2012. We wait the first watt in 2013. It is also an object of the program. The atomic engineering or Particularly Beloyarskaya atomic power station is 4 billion Kw\h year or 8 % from total amount of the generated electric power in the Sverdlovsk region, and still it gives relative independence from long-haul coal and gas supplies. With the construction of a new block region gets and ability to use the new more "convenient" and available fuel, and, most importantly, gets more than 800 MW of power, as well as modern and safe equipment that fits all modern requirements, including environmental. In my opinion future belongs to the nuclear power along with small and alternative energetic.

What works for the grid security and stability of the Sverdlovsk region? What measures are being taken within the last year?

Let me remind that the Government of the Sverdlovsk region established Headquarters for the security of energy supply was established in July 2008. Its membership includes the heads of all energy companies or their subsidiaries operating in the territory of our region. One of the deputies of Staff is Artem Bartenev, director of the Sverdlovsk RDU. The headquarters has become a truly functioning body to coordinate the activities of energy companies and monitor the implementation of their decisions and legislation. Sayano-Shushenskaya accident showed how dangerous may be many of the misconceptions of new managers, who came to energetics recently. This situation was discussed at session of the Staff. Much attention is paid to the implementation of approved programs of JSC "MRSC of Urals, Urals MEA, Reftinskaya and Sredneuralskaya TPP. Decisions are expected from the federal level, we have made recommendations to strengthen the monitoring of the implementation of technical regulations and in general of energy companies.

What are the most interesting and effective projects that use local fuel resources? (in your opinion)

At the moment - the most attractive projects are: the construction of 15 mini-hydroelectric power stations on existing dams and heat station on peat in Basyanovke, we will examine the possibility of using wind energy, technologies of burning dust with generating of energy- so Europe lives and it is quite applicable in our country.

Is it expedient to transfer boiler houses to gas?

We take the fuel mix, which has now emerged: 50% - coal, 50% - natural gas. Boiler efficiency of today's most municipalities is low - 30-40%. Equipment is outdated. There is a large burned gas. Suppliers of thermal resources, in particular, "Uralsevergas” (ITERA), loses the funds that were spent on the purchase of gas.

We aspire to reduce the dependence on long-haul fuel. We have our major reserves of peat, coal mines, for example “Volchansky coal”. In 2009 we transferred 15 Electric boiler on coal.

Our goal is to use wherever profitable gas, without extra costs, which pulls the coal (unloading, transportation, recycling, incineration), but the ratio should be optimized. During the construction of new heat sources - municipal heating boiler - we proceed from this. Under the program, we reduce the share of cost of electric boilers, translate them into coal, peat and gas.

We continue working with Vneshekonombank with which was signed an agreement about the provision to the Sverdlovsk region 4 billion 870 million rubles for the construction of new high-efficiency sources, primarily natural gas. Company "Eneko" (structure of Itera, "Uralsevergas") is dealing with this project. As part of this program in 12 municipalities ends the construction of 22 new boilers, which will be being put into operation in November-December 2009.

Does the region plan to introduce technologies that use alternative sources of energy? (There are skyscrapers that works on solar power in Moscow, also there are several five-stored building, using wind and solar energy in Novo-Berezovsky)

We are working in this direction - that is the use of peat and the construction of mini-hydro. Incidentally, near Yekaterinburg we have a unique pilot house, where lives almost all the department of nuclear energy USTU. House was rebuilt from a former barn, in its interesting construction are used energy-saving solutions, including: Windmills VEU-4-5, photovoltaic panels, solar heat; windpump BH-300 (for pumping treated sewage from the bioreactor into storm sewers), bioreactor BR-0.3 (in this project - for the treatment of domestic sewage). Besides this superhouse, the latest technology have been settled in the sanatorium Obukhovskii. There is established and successfully work solar collector, its thermal capacity (depends on solar activity) – 2,43 – 7,32 kw. This collector is established for heating mineral water.

Sverdlovsk region’s energy has always been focused on obtaining additional energy from other power systems, due to what is most possible to overcome energy shortages, and how is it necessary?

It is not true, Sverdlovsk power system has always been a donor, and another thing existed within the system are bottlenecks, but this is a matter of transport of electricity and more efficient allocation of generation capacity.

Expected growth of rates in Yekaterinburg in 2010 - plus 20% to prices in 2009. Overall, the prognosis of FGC in the country - plus 30%. What is the forecast of growth of rates in the whole region?

Expected growth of rates for end-users in the regulated parts - 114%, and with the need to purchase 60% of electricity from 1 January 2010 on an unregulated market, and from 1 July this year - 80% - the growth of rates for the end user (forecast) is expected to 116 , 5%. Investment projects of energy companies should have been put into rates - that is our security, the need to prove that no one should. We need to continue implementation of investment programs of network companies in this year.

How do you refer to the fact that "great energetics" was sawed? Has everything, as planned Chubais, fallen "upside down" or not? Would it be useful, in your opinion, to re-nationalize the energy sector?

I think that energy still has not got legs, and it clearly showed by what is happening today in energy companies: extrusion professionals - energetics, economy and reliability in development, elimination of maintenance personnel outside the company as non-core businesses, the failure of some of the new owners of the approved investment program. Events in the Sayan-Shushenskaya HPP showed an overall picture, of course, it would be better if we did without such an argument. Energetic is too social sector to give it entirely at the mercy of private traders. It must be state control over the activities of energy companies, it is necessary to determine many parameters of the utilities, and the decisions of public bodies should be to fulfill the order for the owners.

Russia is on 51 place by the potential of use of high technologies in manufacture. Is the Sverdlovsk region ready to introduce innovative technologies in energetic? How is it done or example, energy conservation?

We have a modern energy facilities, where are introduced new innovative technologies - substation Petrischevskaya (JSC "EESC" JSC "MRSC of Urals"), Aviator substation, a substation Emelino, substation Anna will start operating in November.

Is the bottom of the crisis behind? (In your opinion). Shall we expect a growth of orders on electric power industry in the Sverdlovsk region next year?

Now energy needs support. Energy is the basis of security in the region and economic development. Only a strong energy complex will provide a new spurt to the real economy, when all the "back to square one." Now industry in the region begins to increase the portfolio, and Ekaterinburg demonstrates increased consumption. Serovo-Bogoslovski junction remains scarce. For all these indicators of the current state it is necessary to continue the planned investment programs, it is an important reserve for the future.

Very important project in this program is a high-voltage line "Northern-BAZ" – more than 200 km - which will connect the Sverdlovsk power supply system with Perm. Construction goes in difficult climatic conditions through the Ural ridge. In following year it will be put into operation.

Monetization of benefits requires the regions to move to 100 -% payment of housing and communal services no later than 1 January 2010, and only in this case, the federation can continue to provide funds for public utility reform. How do you plan to resolve this issue with the citizens?

Citizens will not feel prejudice. We follow a method of compensation – those benefits that the residents have, the government of the Sverdlovsk region will compensate on 100 %. Means in the budget are stipulated, and they are.

We have an effective reform of housing and communal services due primarily to the support of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region Eduard Rossel, coordinated work of the complex housing and utilities, chairman of the regional government in face of Viktor Koksharov, supported by the RF Ministry of Regional Development. Federal Housing and Utilities Reform Facilitation Fund in 2009 has allocated for capital repairs of apartment buildings more than 5 billion rubles; to the resettlement of citizens from abnormal housing 1,650 billion rubles. The volume for 2010 will be determined in mid-December. Activity of municipalities wishing to participate in the program has grown significantly: in the first application for federal participated 11 in the second - 28, then for a third have already declared 68 municipalities. Selection will be serious and depends on the amount of funds that will be allocated.

What will help us to reduce the energy dependence of the Sverdlovsk region from other regions?

Transition to local kinds of fuel. For the enterprises of the big power, first of all for Reftinskaya TPP, we aspire to replace ekibaztuzsky coal which we carry from Kazakhstan, on Russian from Kuznetsk. We Have already experienced burning Kuznetsk’s coal. The experiment was favorable. So in 2010, part of the coal for Reftinskaya power plant will be delivered from the Kuznetsk mines.

In addition, in August 2009 issued a decree of the Government of the Sverdlovsk region about the development of the concept of peat use, including in the energy sector. Peat reserves of Sverdlovsk region are on the 3rd place among the subjects of the RF. Equity reserve - more than 3 billion tons, the forecast - more than 5 billion tons Peat can be used both in power and in agriculture, and medicine. This is a unique product which contains all the substances from the periodic table. Together with the Finnish company Fortum we work out a pilot project on Basyanovskomu peat deposits where is going a construction of the thermal power plant on peat with the total amount of 50 MW of electrical power.

Third - we are still using our Volchansky coal at the same Reftinskaya Power Plant, or power plants of TGC-9 in order to remove the dependency. The share of local coal would be 25-30%.

The best balance - 50% coal and 50% gas - always allowed and allows us to safely pass the autumn-winter period. If you use only one gas, there is a problem maintaining the volume of deliveries. Coal can keep the balance of interests.

How do you solve the problems with debts?

Total debt of all debitors of the Sverdlovsk region - 3 billion 159 million rubles. It is with moratoria (45-48% - that was formed over three years). This year we have reduced debt by 2.3 billion rubles. The biggest debtors - Ekaterinburg, Nizhny Tagil, Kamensk-Uralskii, the most problematic - Artemovsk, Gornouralsky District.

An important for You event was held in Moscow (October 19) - in the Chamber of Commerce of Russia, an agreement was signed between the Government of Sverdlovsk region, the Czech energy companies PSJ and generator TGC-9 for the construction of a new combined-cycle unit of 250 MW at the Novo-Sverdlovsk CHP.

Yes, we found the optimal financing scheme with the participation of the Czech Export Bank. Already in 2010, we expected to begin construction and installation works on the platform, and in 2013, this combined-cycle unit will be put into operation.

What other objects will be accurately implemented in 2010. Which will be postponed?

All plans about SUGRES (Sredneuralskaya TPP) in 2010 remain. Plans about Serovskaya TPP, Novo-Bogoslovskaya CHP are overtaken by 2 years. On the first - because the new owner, Gazprom has decided to move on new facilities from coal to gas, on the second - because Rusal has changed his plans to expand the Bogoslovskii aluminum plant.

Due to what it was possible to realize plans on objects of a network facilities and generating stations?

In general, at the expense of energy companies, which were formed from the profits, loan funds.

How to struggle with debts? Will the introduction of plastic cards for inhabitants of the Sverdlovsk region be effective?

Inhabitants have high consciousness – they, basically, pay. Over the past year and a half drastically changed pattern of relationships between residents and providers of fuel resources. At present formed more than 2000 management companies and housing cooperatives. Naturally, the scheme of relations, according to the Housing Code, is built with the help of them. Management companies themselves unconsciously relate to the payments. And in the New Year there will be strict measures to careless citizens.

As an experiment, we run the project with the electronic card payments. This will allow every resident to obtain those resources, for which he paid: electricity, water. More difficult situation is in the calculation of consumed heating. Though there are individual struts in new houses even in apartments. So, the writing off-considering device will release the volume of energy, proceeding from the volume of means which are brought on a plastic card. Already there are companies that can produce the necessary equipment, but the project still under development. We generalize the experience of companies; we study the experience of foreign colleagues and front the programs of the Government of Sverdlovsk region, to find sources of funding. The first example will be a residential area of "Academic" in Yekaterinburg.

Will the oil refining complex under Severouralsk be under construction?

There is an assignment of the governor to consider an opportunity of construction of an oil refining complex. Probably, other platform - Verkhoturye would be chosen. All will be solved by the chosen approach: processing from a pipe which already is, or from the small volumes of own balance stocks of oil. The purpose – first of all to get cheap petrol, fuel, other petroleum products.

What objects of alternative energy were realized in 2009?

The program for this year is Nigne-Irginskaya HPS. Dam is repaired, and we came to the purchasing of equipment. This year seems to be ahead of schedule work; we can not only buy equipment, but also put it into operation, if we would solve issues of building arrangement and debugging in December.

What regulatory framework is needed for the effective work of the Ministry of Energy and Utilities of the Sverdlovsk region?

The Federal law accepted on November, 11th " About energy saving and about increase of power efficiency " becomes great help. For example, those means which will be saved during energy saving actions could be directed on development, on stimulation of these enterprises.

Marina Sitnikova, chief editor EnergyLand.info

The main consumers of the electric power in the Middle Urals - ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy, transport companies, large mechanical engineering, the enterprises of a defensive complex- particularly affected by the negative impact of the global financial crisis. How will the regional power complex develop in this situation? What kind of power projects will have priority and what will be postponed? What are the investment plans of the leading regional energy companies? Read an analytical review, interview with Yuri Shevelev is the Minister of Energy and Utilities of the Sverdlovsk region.

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