Commissioning of the second stage of the Sochi thermal power station can be considered as a basic element in the preparations for the Olympics in 2014. Therefore, performing the works with high quality and at the appointed time is our priority. At the same time, today we should say that this is only the first step to the solving of the problem of reliable supply of the city.

Configuration of the Sochi’s station is unique; at present there are no similar stations in Russia. Have you used any new, interesting technologies and development?
The project of expansion of the Sochi’s thermal power plant is a complex and unique design. This can be confirmed by the conditions in which we had to work - namely, the high seismicity of the area of construction - 9 points on the MSK-64 scale, stringent environmental standards of resort areas; constraint of the construction site. During the development of the project and making a choice of capital equipment were taken into account the following main factors: reliability, safety and efficiency of supply for consumers.

Besides, at the stages of designing and construction of TPP were used other new technologies. For example, structure of a boiler installation includes: a network heater, a cooler of a condensate of a network heater and drain pumps of a cooler of a condensate. The condensate of a heating steam of network water heater is being cooled in a cooler of a condensate and is allocated in a path of the basic condensate by the condensate pumps . Delivery of network water in a boiler installation is provided by three network pumps (two workers, one reserve). The supply and tap of network water is carried out from the existing general station lines Sochi thermal power station.
Electrical power from a steam turbine that produces additional electricity by using steam produced by boiler is 25 MW. Application of this technology will enhance the maneuverability of the station and increase fuel efficiency.
Also it should be noted that the carcasses of two recovery boilers were combined in a one reinforced frame that allowed us to locate a chimney

Waste-heat boilers are located mirror to each other, this, in turn, allowed us to build the technological pipelines in common to the two recovery boilers pipeline shelf.
Despite of the passport specifications for the Sochi thermal power station it has a reserve. What is the named reserve and by what means it will be in demand?
In the project is laid the installed capacity of the Sochi thermal power plant - 80 MW and the estimated efficiency - 47,4, but due to the decisions incorporated by manufacturers of gas turbine (gas turbine) and KU (boiler), and qualitatively executed commissioning and finishing works, we succeeded in carrying out comprehensive testing and performance guarantee testing to achieve the characteristics of power - 84,6 MW and efficiency - 49,3.
What are the new standards, which you had to apply in recent times? What kind of standards they are?
Due to the fact that Sochi is a resort and the capital of a future Olympics applied new, higher requirements for environmental clean energy facilities – emissions of CO (operating at 80-100% of base load and the use of gaseous fuels) based on the average measured value for ½ hour (if measurements in accordance with ISO12039) ≤ 25 ppm (rpm) at 15% O2. In fact, after the warranty testing were 11,2 ppm.
How many contract organizations took part in realization of the project? What was the company’s principle of work with subcontractors? How many companies from them were the local companies?
Basically all of our sub-organizations are among local companies. In Sochi, we had from ten to fifteen contractors. Having made this choice, we were not mistaken; all subcontractors have tremendous experience in the South of Russia. It should also be noted that at the stage of contract, all attracted by subcontracting companies were agreed with the Customer.

How did you cooperate with an investor of building of the second line of the Sochi’s thermal power station - "INTER RAO UES"?
Thanks to the professional study of financial questions by a management of Open Society « INTER the Russian Open Society "United Power Systems" » financing was carried out smoothly, that had positively affected on the terms of realization of the project.
And this, despite of the global financial crisis, which peaked at the peak of our work at the facility of the second stage of the Sochi’s thermal power station. The facility was commissioned on time and without reproach. Also, without increasing the value of the object. I think that only a carefully considered work, the timely funding and understanding of the Customer with the Contractor may give a good result. In turn I can say that we are pleased by the work with "Inter RAO UES”, and we look forward to further cooperation. The project was complex, but interesting, and the experience - priceless, and it is most important.
How do you find the customer, especially in time of crisis? What should I do to convince the customer that it was the same contractor, whom he wants?
We have to reformulate the question, because we are not seeking for the customer but the customer selects a contractor for the construction of the facility. Our company meets all the criteria of modern engineering company. We are among those who have a great experience in the field of the realization of projects such as EPS-contractor. Our stated criteria for the competitive selection process are always much more profitable for the Customer. Therefore, for the construction of the third power of the Sochi’s TPP customer chose us, and I think that he was right.
First, technical solutions proposed by us and organization of the construction were in full compliance with the requirements of the Customer. Another important factor is that the price of construction was the lowest of all the proposals. Also we have declared about the commissioning of the object the shortest possible time. As a result, all the promises planned by us had been executed in full. The object was put in commissioning qualitatively and precisely in time. Thus, the company also gains to itself authority in the market.
Material was prepared by: Gennady Shlyakhov, Sochi
Translation : Mukhametyanov Timur,