06 Марта 2025 | четверг | 18:17

Alexey Sergeev, Vice-governor of St. Petersburg

Октября 11, 2010

The energy of St. Petersburg

What are the main projects of the energy complex development (power, nuclear, oil, coal industry, utilities) for 2010-2012 years? What objects due to the reduction if investments are on hold, and what objects will exactly be implemented in 2010-2011 years? Tell us about the priority projects in power industry and other areas of Energy and Housing (construction, reconstruction, modernization), 2010-2011, the amount invested in these funds and potential investors. For example, North heat station, South-West heat station and others.
Energy-engineering companies of St. Petersburg implement programs of reconstruction and new construction with energy-efficient equipment and technologies.
Among the priority projects is the complex reconstruction of the entire heating system of Petrograd, Spa, Petrodvorets districts of St. Petersburg,undertaken by Co.Ltd “Peterburgteploenergo” in the period from 2004 to 2011. In this districts on the place of old worn-out equipment and thermal networks are being placed modern high-tech installations (BMK, mini heat stations), fully equipped with metering devices, and thermal networks with improved heat-shielding properties.
During the renovation are carried out actions to construct and modernize its equipment, resulting in increased efficiency of the boiler, a reduction in consumption of energy resources on their own needs in the production of heat, reduced thermal energy loss during transmission.
Up To date, is completed the implementation of programs for the reconstruction of heating systems in the Petrograd and the resort area of St. Petersburg. In 2011 is planned to complete the reconstruction of five more objects in Petrodvorets district. This will reduce the specific consumption of fuel for thermal power generation from 155.98 kg.ef / Gcal in 2009 to 155.1 kg.ef / Gcal.
The economic effect of this project amounted 121.4 mln in 2008 and 189.0 mln. in 2009. In accordance with the investment program of public corporation «TGC-1” they lead technical re-equipment and reconstruction of thermal power station with the use of modern high-energy steam and gas equipment, materials and technologies, including advanced technologies in the field of automation that will increase the reliability of energy supply and reduce the unit cost of fuel to produce heat and electricity.

For example, in 2010 is planned to start operation of two steam units 180 MW each at Pervomayskaya heat station-14; and in the end of 2010 is planned to start-up unit 450 MW on the South heat station-22.
In the long-term targeted program of St. Petersburg is funding the design and construction of South-West HS (heat station). At the October 2010 is planned start-up of  hot-water boiler in South-West HS with 120 Gcal / h; in December 2010 is planned start-up of combined cycle power with 200 MW output.
In the electric grid of St. Petersburg for 2010-2012 are planned following key events:
•    construction (from the budget of St. Petersburg) and commissioning of two electrical substations of 110 kV number 101A in the central region and the SN (subnetwork) "Kollontai” in the Nevsky district;
•    construction and commissioning of 330 kV SN "Central», SN 220 kV “Prospect of testers” and reconstruction of SN 330 kV «South », SN 330 kV «West», SN 330 kV «Kolpino », SN 220 kV «Kolpinsky», SN 220 kV «Chesmenskaya », SN 220 kW plant «Ilyich», SN 220 kV «Volkhov-Severnaya », SN220 kV" Primorskaya ", at the expense of JSC" UES FGC ";
•    complex reconstruction SN 35 kV № 13, SN 110 kW № 185 "Pushkin South, reconstruction with the installation of mobile substation SN 110 kW № 212, № 155, № 96 by means of JSC« Lenenergo.
It should be noted that on Feb. 15, 2010 was signed a new agreement between St. Petersburg and JSC «FGC UES" on cooperation in the implementation of measures to ensure reliable electricity supply and creating the conditions for accession of consumers to the electricity network, determines the main directions for improving reliability of electricity supply to consumers St. PETERSBURG, creating the possibility of accession to the power grids of new customers and increase power consumption already connected consumers.The composition of the Agreement includes a program of priority measures in FGC UES is in construction (reconstruction) of the Unified National Power System in St. Petersburg for the period 2010-2015. Total amount of investments under the program is more than 48 billion rubles.
The main priority projects in water supply and sanitation are:
1.    Construction of drinking water purification unit K-6 capacity of 350 cubic meters / day. The volume of investments from the budget is 3,1 billion rubles. Facility is scheduled to be commissioned in June 2010.
2.     Completion of construction of the main collector sewer at the North part of St. Petersburg from Finland bridge to the Kantemirovskaya street. The volume of investments from the budget of St. Petersburg in 2010-2011 amounts to 3,4 billion rubles. Facility is scheduled for commissioning in 2011. The funding of the object involves federal budget, European banks and funds in the form of loans and grants.
Activities are in more detail in the Program of integrated development of utility infrastructure, approved by the Government of St. Petersburg from 30.11.2009 № 1384.
At the unit 4 of the Leningrad nuclear power plant is currently being commissioning and launching of a comprehensive test of special systems. What will the extension of the operation of this block give to St. Petersburg?
Leningrad nuclear power plant is a major source of energy of St. Petersburg, and for many years effectively and reliably delivers electricity to customers of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region. Work performed under the proposed extension service unit № 4 was aimed at upgrading in order to restore equipment life and eliminate the "insecurity" in the operation of the reactors. Extension of operation of this unit will ensure the reliability of external power supply in St. Petersburg.

Interdistrict inspectorate Federal tax service # 15 in St. Petersburg has registered a subsidiary of JSC «TGC-1» - JSC «Heating network of St. Petersburg." The company was established as a result of tripartite agreements between the administration of St. Petersburg, JSC "TGC-1" and state unitary enrerprise “ TEK of St. Petersburg. " What effect do you expect from a new scheme of heat?
Currently in some areas of heating of JSC «TGC-1" transferring of heat energy to consumers is being produced via the transit network SUE «TEK SPb", ie. generating power (CHP) and long-haul network, owned by JSC «TGC-1, and consumers are connected to backbone networks via the distribution networks, which are the property of St. Petersburg and set out on the right to run for SUE« TEK SPb».
In these cases, consumers enter into contracts of heating (hot water) with JSC «TGC-1", and between the JSC «TGC-1" and SUE «TEK SPb" acted service agreement for the transfer of thermal energy. By the order of the Committee on Tariff of St. Petersburg SUE «TEK SPb" were set tariffs for transmission services of thermal energy. Costs of JSC «TGC-1" for the specified transit were accounted during the calculation of the tariff for heat supply to consumers.
At the Council of Directors of JSC «TGC-1» from 21.12.2009, was decided to establish a legal entity JSC« Heating network of St. Petersburg», approved the company's charter, was elected Chief Executive Officer, Board of Directors and the Audit Committee of the Company.
The participation of St. Petersburg in the created community in the future is planned on the payment of additional issue shares of moveable and immovable property, consisting of the transit of heating networks, a real estate and personal property necessary to operate and maintain these networks.
 The elimination of transit zones SUE «TEK SPb" in the current zone heating JSC «TGC-1 will create a technologically unified system of transport of heat from the heat supply to consumers, to simplify the procedure for obtaining the technical conditions for connection to networks of heat and make transparent the process of tariff setting in the zone .
How to deal with “TGC-1”?Is it possible to communicate more effectively?
Development of energy complex of St. Petersburg is inextricably linked with the development of one of the largest energy companies in Northwest Russia TGK-1 ". Partnerships have been established between St. Petersburg and Gazprom in projects of reconstruction and development of the energy complex of St. Petersburg, and continued in the works related to reconstruction and development of energy capacity of TGC-1 ". By the suggestion of the main shareholder of JSC «TGC-1» - JSC «Gazprom at the annual meeting of shareholders of JSC« TGC-1 Board of Directors of JSC «TGC-1 has been elected vice-governor of St. Petersburg, Sergeev AI, in the key committees of the Board of Directors of JSC «TGC-1" include representatives of the Committee on Energy and Engineering. St. Petersburg Government appreciates the current level of cooperation in the framework of the Board of Directors of JSC «TGC-1". Also as a result of tripartite agreements between the Administration of St. Petersburg, JSC «TGC-1" and SUE «TEK SPb" was formed subsidiary of JSC «TGC-1» - JSC «Heating network of St. Petersburg." The new company is founded on the basis of the structural unit JSC «TGC-1" - the company "Thermal network" branch of  "Nevsky" and will be engaged in the exploitation of main heating networks of JSC «TGC-1" all over - from the source of thermal energy to the nodes of Intra-accession of  heating and hot water.
Why do we need independent sales companies? Do you cooperate with them?
Changes in legislation since the adoption of resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation № № 529 and 530 (31 August 2006) associated with the operation of retail markets in the transition period of restructuring, substantially changed the order of relations of power sales companies and their customers. The law clearly defines the nature of the relationship marketing organizations and their customers. For it was introduced the concept of "supplier of last resort», who has to sign a contract with any electricity consumers located within its area of activities.
Regulation of retail markets allow consumers to choose suppliers. You can buy electricity at a supplier of last resort, acting on a given territory, and at other retail companies. It is also possible the purchase of electricity from retail electric power producers. Consumer's risk associated with dishonest behavior retailing companies, the imposition of unacceptable conditions of the contract to the consume, are falling through the activities of a supplier of last resort. To him the consumer may apply for the contract at any time.
By the Decision of the Committee on Tariff St. Petersburg from 18.10.06 № 88-p  JSC «Petersburg Sales Company», Co Ltd «Rusenergosbyt, LLC ENERGY HOLDING, Federal State Unitary Enterprise" 470 electrical network of the Navy” are designated as a guaranteeing suppliers in St. Petersburg.
Cases of unfair competition cause concern because they may threaten the reliability of power system, discredit the very notion of "market of power" and are able, in spite of the very idea of law, to cause uncertainty among consumers, give rise to unfounded doubts among citizens in the social orientation of the new legislation. This is even more unacceptable in the cultural capital of Russia, a city where there are a large number of high-tech industries, including important for the defense of the country where economic agents have a personal initiative to encourage colleagues to the most civilized ways of doing business and do everything to avoid any risks , especially when it comes to such strategic importance for the state sector, as energy. To exclude the possibility of such intention or action in St. Petersburg, voluntarily and by mutual agreement of JSC Petersburg Sales Company, LLC Rusenergosbyt, LLC ENERGY HOLDING, Federal State Unitary Enterprise "470 electrical network of the Navy” signed at April 4, 2007 "Charter on fair competition."
This document defines all aspects of power sales activities for the signatories. By signing the Charter, guaranteeing suppliers must not attempt to manipulate the opinion of the consumer, because the choice of electricity supplier - only their prerogative.
The parties also undertook to closely monitor the quality of information, which comes to subscribers across all communication channels in order to completely eliminate the possibility of confusion of consumers. By signing the Charter, guaranteeing suppliers of St. Petersburg have also agreed on a special quality control services. Particular attention is given in the document to ensure the reliability of power systems of St. Petersburg and its development, as well as the priority task of uninterrupted supply of electricity to the residents of our city.
In the regions control over the activities of suppliers provides executive body of the subject of the Russian Federation, appointed by the governor. This authority is also considering customer complaints on business as suppliers of last resort, and other retail companies.
Does St. Petersburg plans to introduce technologies that use alternative energy sources? For example, there are skyscrapers working on solar batteries in Moscow.
As part of a regional program of St. Petersburg in energy conservation and energy efficiency, will be carrying out activities to prepare the Concept of the potential alternative energy sources on the territory of St Petersburg. Priorities in this area for St. Petersburg, in our opinion, are: use of geothermal (heat pumps), utilization of secondary thermal energy resources.
Now is being prepared a long-term targeted program of St. Petersburg "about energy saving and energy efficiency in the construction of methane Tank to extract biogas for power station at wastewater treatment plants in Central and Northern WWTP for the period till 2015".
What energy-saving programs are active?
St. Petersburg is actively pursuing energy conservation measures and stimulate energy efficiency of municipal sectors in the framework of sectoral programs of relevant committees.
In 2004, was fully implemented targeted program of installing of metering of heat and water on the objects of the public sector of St. Petersburg, within approved by the Government of St. Petersburg regional "targeted program of transition to the release of resources (thermal energy for the hot water and heating , electricity and gas)to consumers in accordance with the testimony of the collective metering of the consumption of such resources in St. Petersburg. Financing of the activities is carried out by the budget of St. Petersburg, as well as from the extra-budgetary sources.
As part of an integrated approach to reconstruction of heat supply system of St. Petersburg with the use of energy efficient technologies, LLC Peterburgteploenergo "in the mode of public-private partnership completed the implementation of programs for the reconstruction of heating systems in the Petrograd and the resort area of St. Petersburg.
Currently, LLC Peterburgteploenergo "implements a targeted program" Reconstruction of the heating system of  Petrodvorets district.
Significant amount of work is performed at facilities SUE «Energy of St. Petersburg." Reconstruction and construction of new facilities goes on the CHP JSC «TGC-1" with the use of the most modern equipment, construction meets all modern requirements of the South-West CHPP
Large amount of energy conservation measures was undertaken  by SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg." As a result, the project succeeded in reducing of average electricity consumption by 39% and reduce of  unaccounted water losses by 32%.
23.11.2009 the President of the Russian Federation signed the Federal Law № 261-FZ «about energy saving and energy efficiency and about Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to federal law "On Energy ...")
It should also be noted that by the decision of the Government of St. Petersburg from 11.11.2009 № 1257 was approved the Concept of energy efficiency and stimulation of energy efficiency. This concept is the basis for the development and implementation of targeted programs of St. Petersburg in the field of energy efficiency and conservation, and co-ordinated economic, scientific, technical and legal policies on energy efficiency and conservation in St. Petersburg.
Federal Law “About Energy Saving ...” approved a new type of program - regional programs in energy conservation and energy efficiency. Requirements for regional programs and energy efficiency indicators are defined in the Federal Law "On Energy ..." and the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 31.12.2009 № 1225.
In accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 48 of the Federal Law "On energy saving ..." and paragraph 69 of the "Action Plan aimed at implementing the Federal Law" On Energy ... "approved by a governmental decree from 01.12.2009 № 1830-p, the Committee on Energy and Engineering provision is preparing the Regional Programme of St. Petersburg in energy conservation and energy efficiency improvement (hereinafter - the Regional Programme). Development of a regional program should be completed before 01.08.2010.
To ensure compliance with federal law "On Energy ...", the Committee on Energy and Engineering, the following activities must be done:
1.    For division of powers between the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg and the Government of St. Petersburg, the Committee on Energy and Engineering in the established order has prepared and agreed upon in the executive government of St. Petersburg's draft decree of the Government of St. Petersburg on the draft Law of St. Petersburg " On the delimitation of the powers of the government of St. Petersburg in energy conservation and energy efficiency. " In the near future, the draft Ordinance will be considered by the Government of St. Petersburg. Currently, the draft resolution is specified in the Legal Committee.
2.    Work on the preparation of the Regional Programme is in process: compiled and agreed terms of reference, prepared questionnaires for collecting baseline data, formed sections of the Regional Programme
3.     Preparations of several long-term target programs of St. Petersburg in energy conservation and energy efficiency in the following areas are carried on:
     - Water Supply Improvement;
- modernization of street lighting;
- modernization of street lighting in the reconstruction of parks, gardens and parks;
- extraction of biogas for power station at wastewater treatment plants in Central and Northern WWTP;
- Reconstruction of gas economy of St. Petersburg;
- Implementation of the technology of combined heat and power in the reconstruction and construction of heating sources;
- The introduction of energy-efficient and corrosion-resistant materials in the reconstruction Heat Distribution Infrastructure.
4.    Committee on Energy and Engineering in order to execute assignment of the Governor of St. Petersburg to place on the Internet information on the requirements of the legislation on energy conservation and energy efficiency, the official portal of St. Petersburg Administration on the page of the Committee on Energy and Engineering in the "Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency "posted the required current regulations on energy conservation and energy efficiency.
Interview by Marina Sitnikova, chief editor Energyland.info
Translation: Mukhametyanov Timur

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