05 Февраля 2025 | среда | 05:43

Monitoring of technical reservoir’s dam condition at Magadan CHP plant

Января 15, 2014

“We carry out studies and analysis of temperature and filtration profile of the technical reservoir’s earth dam by using own resources and by engagement of specialized organizations”, says Anatoly Orlov, Chief Engineer of Magadan CHP plant.

Power engineers and permafrostologists observe and analyze the facility condition.

Such works are mandatory. Every year, they are performed by specialists not only on the Magadan CHP plant’s reservoir but also on Arkagalinskaia GRES.

On-site monitoring includes analysis of temperature profile of earth dams under severe climate conditions. To ensure reliability of the damps performance, it is required to strictly control the filtration strength and durability of all their components.

“Today, such observations are evermore crucial”, says Sergey Guly, Head of the North-East Research Permafrost Station. “Indeed, there have been more and more manifestations of the global warming lately. First of all, it affects condition of frozen soils. The earth is thawing. As a result, buildings and facilities constructed on permafrost may lose their strength over time. So, the temperature increase means loss of structures’ bearing capacity”.

Specialists of Magadanenergo JSC meticulously control condition of dams of the technical reservoirs at two plants, CHP plant and Arkagalinskaia GRES. There must be no cracks, distortion, or leakages. All of the above affects stability of the dam. According to the safety declaration, the monitoring is being performed the whole year round.

“Traditionally, the reservoir has been used to cool mechanisms and ensure operation of boiler units and turbo generators of the plant. That is why we pay so much attention to the monitoring of condition of the dam, submerged intake mechanical equipment, emergency water disposal basins”, adds Anatoly Orlov, Chief Engineer of Magadan CHP plant.

Also, power engineers constantly control water level in technical reservoirs. It must not exceed the allowable values. That is why during flood period, specialists of Magadan CHP plant provide for water discharge and lower the water level by 3-4 meters. Later on, the reservoir naturally comes back to its regular water content.

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