Qatar Petroleum representing the Government of the State of Qatar and Wintershall entered into an Exploration and Production Sharing Agreement (EPSA) for Block 4 North in November 2008.
Doha. Qatar Petroleum (QP) and Wintershall announced today that they have made a gas discovery in exploration Block 4 North, offshore Qatar. Qatar Petroleum representing the Government of the State of Qatar and Wintershall entered into an Exploration and Production Sharing Agreement (EPSA) for Block 4 North in November 2008. Mitsui Gas Development Qatar joined in 2010 by acquiring 20% of the Contractor’s interest under the EPSA with Wintershall retaining 80% interest and operatorship. Block 4 North is an offshore block in the north of Qatar and is in direct proximity to the North Field at a water depth of around 70 meters.
Commenting on the occasion, His Excellency Dr. Mohammed Bin Saleh Al-Sada, Minister of Energy and Industry Chairman and Managing Director of Qatar Petroleum, said: "We have been progressing exploration activities in Block 4 North with our partners, for the past few years as part of our strong exploration drive, which is in line with His Highness the Emir Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani’s vision to continue to prudently explore for and develop our natural resources and to increase Qatar’s hydrocarbon reserves. We are very pleased that we have found a new Gas discovery in Qatar.”
Rainer Seele, CEO of Wintershall, stated: “Wintershall has been actively exploring in Qatar for more than 30 years and we are pleased with the results of the wells in Block 4N. We are looking forward to proving our capabilities as a reliable and technically competent operator and partner, and to extend the excellent working relationship with the Ministry of Energy and Industry of Qatar and Qatar Petroleum in this possible future development.”
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