14 Марта 2025 | пятница | 20:41

TNK-BP to Invest over RUB 1.5 Billion in Orenburg Region Pipeline Integrity Program

Марта 12, 2013

ТNК-ВР reports that in 2013 it will invest over 1.5 bn rubles in the OJSC Orenburgneft pipeline integrity program. This is 18.5% more than in 2012.

TNK-BP takes continuous efforts to ensure pipeline infrastructure integrity; the comprehensive integrity program includes pipeline monitoring, diagnostics, protection, repair and replacement. Over $1 bn has been allocated for this purpose since 2004.

"Orenburgneft is continuously improving its pipeline quality control system, introducing new inspection and corrosion control methods. Consistent implementation of the program has allowed the Company to reduce pipeline leak rate by 18.2% based on 2012 results. This will not only minimize the environmental impact, but also reduce the costs for pipeline maintenance," says Igor Rustamov, General Director, OJSC Orenburgneft.

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