14 Марта 2025 | пятница | 20:24

IATA rates Gazprom Neft’s Refuelling Complex at Sheremetyevo Airport as providing the Best Quality Jet Fuel Supply Service

Марта 14, 2013

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has recognised Gazpromneft-Aero’s refuelling facility at Moscow Sheremetyevo International Airport as providing the best quality jet fuel supply service for all types of aircraft.

The inspection of Gazpromneft-Aero refuelling facility at Sheremetyevo was held for the first time. The commission included representatives from major airlines such as Aeroflot and Lufthansa.

The refuelling complex at Sheremetyevo is the sixth facility operated by Gazprom Neft to be rated as meeting IATA’s highest standards.

IATA experts acknowledged the high level of both operational and environmental safety of the refuelling complex. The facility has a unique water treatment system. The level of water purity amounts to 6 mg per litre for mechanical impurities, and it amounts to 1 mg per litre for oil, complying with the standards applied to the water quality for aquaculture.

Gazpromneft-Aero General Director Vladimir Egorov stated: "IATA’s rating confirms the high quality of refuelling services provided by Gazpromneft-Aero. We comply with both Russian and international standards, actively introducing, in Russia, international best practice. The Gazpromneft refuelling complex at Sheremetyevo cooperates with major Russian airlines and we plan to extend our range of partners, guaranteeing high quality fuel."

"Inspection of the Gazpromneft-Aero refuelling complex shows that, starting from the construction phase, the company implemented international standards for jet fuel operations, which results in the highest level of safety. Also, the Gazpromneft-Aero refuelling complex at Sheremetyevo has great potential for developing the airport’s fuel-supply infrastructure," stated the IATA Fuel Quality Inspector Peter Westphal.

“Developing shelf projects is a strategic task that Gazprom Neft is facing. Choosing a drilling rig is one of the key milestones on the way to implementing this project which the company joined just a few months ago. We quickly dove into the work, and over a short time managed to complete the process of contracting the drilling rig, although on the average this cycle traditionally takes much longer. Continuing geological exploration at Dolginskoye oil field will enable Gazprom Neft to expand its competencies in implementing shelf projects,” stated Gazprom Neft First Deputy CEO Vadim Yakovlev.

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