14 Марта 2025 | пятница | 19:57

E.ON Russia JSC publishes 2012 RAS Financial Statements

Марта 26, 2013

E.ON Russia JSC released 2012 financial statements prepared as per the Russian Accounting Standards.

The Company revenue made 76.7 billion rubles, growing by 13.9% as compared to 2011. Product cost grew by 14% and made 54,9 billion rubles. Income before tax grew by 24,2% - up to 22,96  billion rubles.
E.ON Russia's net profit estimated as per RAS in 2012, made 18.4 billion rubles which is by 22.2% higher than in 2011.
Upturn of E.ON Russia's financial indicators is first of all due to operation of the new power units commissioned under investment program in 2011.

Факты из архива:
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