14 Марта 2025 | пятница | 23:22

Turboatom completes work on manufacturing equipment to Tripolskaya TPP

Марта 27, 2013

OJSC "Turboatom" units manufactured turbine control system to upgrade the unit No 2 Tripolskaya TPP (Ukraine). Equipment transferred to the assembly and testing shop, where it will be collected and tested in the presence of the customer.

In March 2013 regulatory units planned to be shipped to the plant, after which the order will be closed in the production.

On the unit No 2 of Tripolskaya TPP Company performs updating of turbine K-300-240 with its replacement by turbine K-325-23, 5, which will be installed on the existing foundation of maintaining auxiliary equipment and recovery systems.

Contract for the reconstruction was signed in July 2011. Shipment of the equipment began in August 2012.

On all six power Tripolskaya TPP since 1967 have  been installed turbines K-300-240 of  OJSC "Turboatom" manufacture.

Факты из архива:
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