14 Марта 2025 | пятница | 22:08

Power Machines manufacture a turbogenerator for Ekibastuzskaya TPP-1 in Kazakhstan

Марта 27, 2013

Power Machines OJSC has manufactured and successfully tested a 550 MW hydrogen-to-water cooled turbogenerator for the second power unit of Ekibastuzskaya TPP-1 (Republic of Kazakhstan).

A contract to supply the turbogenerator completed with its water and hydrogen cooling system, oil supply system, exciter and thyristor self-excitation system was singed with Ekibastuzskaya Termal  Power Plant #1 (TPP-1) named after Bulat Nurzhanov LLP in 2010. The equipment delivery is scheduled for June 2013.

The manufactured turbogenerator having an increased capacity up to 550 MW will replace a 500 MW machine produced by the Electrotyazhmash plant in Kharkov. Power Machines have already been producing hydrogento-water cooled turbogenerators in lots for a long time. Power Machines design solutions, which are being successfully implemented in the upgrade of 500 MW power unit equipment at Russian NPPs, have been used in the stator and rotor design of the new generator.

In February this year Krasny Kotelshchik – the Taganrog Boiler-Making Works PJSC (main manufacturing facility of EMAlliance PJSC, which is part of the Power Machines power plant engineering group) shipped the last assemblies of a heavy-duty boiler for Ekibastuzskaya TPP-1. Pipeline supports and suspensions were sent to the customer's address. The new equipment is to replace the boiler plant parts that have served their time.

Besides, in accordance with the contract concluded in April 2011, Power Machines supplied two drive turbines with a capacity of 11 MW each produced by Kaluga Turbine Works OJSC (member of the Power Machines group) for the second power unit of Ekibastuzskaya TPP-1.

In addition to the supply of new equipment, within the period from 2006 to 2012, Power Machines repaired seven low-pressure rotors and supplied them to Ekibastuzskaya TPP-1, as well as manufactured a new high-pressure rotor for 500 MW steam turbines forming part of the plant's power units.

The implementation of the project for fitting of Ekibastuzskaya TPP-1 with new equipment will allow reducing the risk of power shortage in the region and will cover the growing demand for electric power in Kazakhstan.

The energy market of Kazakhstan is strategic for Power Machines. The equipment produced by the Company is well known and is being successfully operated at the Republuc's largest thermal power plants. Among them one can mention: Ekibastuzskaya TPP-1 and TPP-2, Karaganda TPP, TPP operated by Eurasian Energy Corporation JSC, Ust-Kamenogorskaya, Balkhashskaya and Zhezkazganskaya TPPs.

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