The Decree allows technological connections of physical persons (capacity of energy-receiving devices – up to 15 kW) before and during XXII Winter Olympic Games and XI Winter Paralympic Games 2014 in Sochi, abolishing the current moratorium for this group of consumers.
On 9th July 2012, amendments were made to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On Approving the Regulations on Specifics of Providing Technical Conditions, Determining the Fee for Technological Connection and Specifics of Technological Connection of Energy-Receiving Devices of Consumers of Electric Power to Network Facilities in Sochi Resort Municipality in the Period of Preparing and Organizing XXII Winter Olympic Games and XI Winter Paralympic Games 2014”, enabling network organizations in Sochi to reschedule concluding contracts to the end of the Olympic Games upon newly filed applications for technological connections. In this connection FAS and the Commission for Technological Connection of Energy-Receiving Devices of Consumers of Electric Power to Network Facilities in Sochi Resort Municipality in the Period of Preparing and Organizing XXII Winter Olympic Games and XI Winter Paralympic Games 2014 (the Commission) are receiving numerous complaints and petitions from physical persons and legal entities. On 19th March 2013 the Commission considered new petitions of legal entities and physical persons against actions of “Kubanenergo” OJSC in technological connection to electric power networks.
The Commission has already held 8 meetings and considered 59 petitions from legal persons and 439 petitions from physical persons.
Факты из архива:
«НОВАТЭК-Челябинск» проводит совместные рейды с судебными приставами по квартирам злостных неплательщиков
Сборка модульных зданий
Россияне стали чаще менять сантехнику
Авторегистраторы дают уверенность в дороге
В Москве завершилась реконструкция кабельной линии 220 кВ «ТЭЦ 25 – Очаково №3»