14 Марта 2025 | пятница | 22:46

TATNEFT continues to introduce gas turbines

Апреля 03, 2013

JSC TATNEFT continues to work actively to ensure rational use of associated petroleum gas. In the frame of these activities the Company is introducing "Capstone" microturbine power plants working on associated petroleum gas (APG).

Gas turbines with the total capacity of 2.2 MW allow generating about 10.8 million kilowatt-hours of electricity per year today in NGDU "Yamashneft" of JSC TATNEFT. It accounts for about 11 percent of the NGDU's annual demand. Approximately 5.5 million cubic meters of gas are utilized for this purpose.

There are facilities prepared at "Yamashneft" at present for the second phase introduction of the gas turbine plants.
Besides NGDU "Yamashneft" the gas turbine plants have been successfully used in other oil and gas production boards of TATNEFT: NGDU "Bavlyneft" and NGDU "Elkhovneft."

The implementation of the program to enhance the efficient use of produced petroleum gas allows providing for a guaranteed level of APG efficient utilization and significantly reduces human impact on the environment. In this case, the oil production facilities in the most remote areas of the oilmen's activities receive their own sources of electric power.

A specific feature of the Capstone turbines is their capability of operating on the associated petroleum gas the and layout of the main components of the unit, which provides for placement of compressor, combustion chamber, regenerative heat exchanger, turbine and electric generator permanent magnets within a compact body. The generator is cooled by the airstream, which eliminates the need for a liquid cooling system arrangement and increases the reliability and efficiency of the equipment in service. A design feature of the engine is application of air bearings, which eliminates the necessity of using oil for lubrication. The shaft rotation speed is 62,000 rpm.

Control over the work of a gas turbine station is performed through the operator's room of GZNU. The monitors display the entire plant process layout. Using special software technicians can monitor the process mode of the whole gas turbine plant complex starting with gas supply to the booster compressor station to gas feeding to the turbine.

In addition, the possibility of using "remote control" is provided that allows professionals to diagnose and change operating parameters without going to the facility. The plant maintenance is carried out by "Active Gas Engineering" Service Company specifically established by the Capstone official dealer in Russia and by TATNEFT Company.

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