15 Марта 2025 | суббота | 01:35

Baltic NPP: construction site of two power units employs nearly 2,000 workers

Апреля 10, 2013

A meeting of operational headquarters for the construction of Baltic NPP power Units №1 and №2 (Neman district, Kaliningrad region) was held.

Representatives of the State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM, JSC Concern Rosenergoatom (customer construction), JSC NIAEP (general contractor), OJSC SPbAEP (chief designer) and contractors took part in work of the headquarters under chairmanship of the President of JSC NIAEP Valery Limarenko and Deputy Director General of JSC Rosenergoatom Concern - Director of “Management of Objects Construction” Affiliate Alexander Palamarchuk.
Prior to the meeting participants made bypass of the construction site, during which they examined the state of the facilities under construction. Also there was held a series of meetings with leaders of organizations that have declared their intention to participate in the construction of Baltic NPP and willingness to participate in the tenders held permanently, because for further increasing in pace of works additional participants for the construction need to be attracted.
Director of Baltic NPP Vyacheslav Makhonin reported at the headquarters meeting on the plan implementation in March 2013 and plans for the second quarter on the construction of Baltic NPP power units №1 and №2. He noted that currently the construction of major units is being performed with unit cost of construction and installation works of 62% of total estimated cost of construction. “By July 2013 it is necessary to expand works on a number of construction sites to which the design and estimate documentation has been granted. There will be set very serious but achievable goals in front of the contractors in the second quarter. Today the site employs 1900 workers”, noted V. Makhonin.
The president of JSC NIAEP Valery Limarenko paid special attention to the increasing in pace of works: “At present the construction site requires about two thousand workers. By the middle of the year there should work 3,000 people on two power units, and by the end of the year - 4000. In this connection we are starting the construction of housing for workers. The first 300 places will be ready by July, thousands more - in September”.
“At the construction site it is noted a positive dynamic. I think that all the goals set for the second quarter are realistic and achievable”, noted on the outcome of headquarters work Alexander Palamarchuk.
“Baltic NPP is one of the priorities for Russia, and the State Corporation Rosatom pays special attention to it. The main task is to build the plant in time”, noted the Director of Capital Investments of the State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM Gennady Sakharov. “At the construction site I saw that the industry construction complex is ready to carry out this serious task and that here it exists an efficient team of managers and builders”.

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