15 Марта 2025 | суббота | 01:01

Russia is ready to assist South Africa in implementation of the program of construction of new nuclear power capacities

Апреля 10, 2013

President of Russia Vladimir Putin and his South African colleague Jacob Zuma signed a number of documents, including the declaration of strategic partnership and the agreement on the energy cooperation, at the BRICS Summit.

Russia is ready to render a technical and financial assistance in implementation of the nuclear capacity construction program in the Republic of South Africa, V. Putin noted. “Russia offers help not just in the construction of separate nuclear power units but in development of the advanced nuclear industry in South Africa: from mining the feedstock, construction of nuclear power plants and research reactors through design and domestic production of nuclear power equipment,” he said after negotiations with the South African delegation in the framework of the BRICS Summit in Durban.

According to V. Putin, there is a huge potential in the interrelations of the two countries in the field of energy. He listed nuclear power among most potential spheres of interaction of the two countries in power generation. The head of state also added that such assistance can be rendered “with a credit support from the Russian side and training of staff for South Africa.”

Besides, according to V. Putin, the Russian Academy of Sciences and the South African Scientific Centers “are disposed to the closest cooperation.” “The Russian scientists are ready to get involved in the development of a cyclotron for radiochemical research and proton-beam therapy in South Africa,” V. Putin said.

In the beginning of March Director General of ROSATOM Sergey Kirienko said that ROSATOM was in preliminary negotiations with the South African party “to understand approaches to the nuclear industry and plans of South Africa.” Today, about 90% of energy is produced by coal-fired plants in South Africa.

In March 2011 a new long-term Integrated Resource Plan was approved in South Africa, which provides for bringing up nuclear power share in the country’s energy mix up to 25% by 2030. The energy development strategy of the country plans for building three new NPPs with 6 power units of a total installed capacity of 9.6 GW before 2030. The first nuclear power units are planned to commission in 2023-2024.

South Africa operates NPP Koeberg of 1,800 MW capacity; this is the only NPP on the African continent. The plant was put in commercial operation in August 1984. It includes two PWR units of 900 MW each. They produce 5% of electricity in the country. The NPP operating license was granted until 2025.

South Africa’s Vice President Kgalema Motlanthe confirmed the necessity of building new nuclear power in the country that had been put in doubt after the accident at the Japanese NPP Fukushima-Daiichi. We need to produce more electricity. Nuclear energy is ideal for this, because we can build nuclear power plants along the southern coast and in other places, he stated at the “Nuclear Africa” Conference.

Earlier reports said South Africa plans to build 6 reactors of a total capacity of 9.6 GW and raise a share of nuclear power plants in the country’s energy mix from 5% up to 25% over 20 years. ROSATOM plans to bid in South Africa, having offered to localize 40% of production in the country.

A group of the IAEA experts visited the Republic of South Africa in the framework of the INIR Mission (Integrated Nuclear Infrastructure Review) on January 30 till February 8, 2013. The mission was held upon an invitation from the South African Government to assess the preparedness of the country’s infrastructure to further develop the nuclear program. The mission was co-financed by the South African Government and the IAEA Technical Cooperation Fund. Following the visit results, the IAEA experts stated that there was a strong governmental support to the nuclear industry development program in the country; they highlighted strong points and made a number of recommendations. Commenting on the mission outcomes, IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano greeted South Africa with a significant step in the further development of their nuclear power program.

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