Moisture separator-reheaters (MSR) are vertically positioned devices consisting of two parts housed in one body: a moisture separator and a steam reheater.
The installers from OJSC MSU-90 have also finished rigging the base parts of MSR. In total, three parts of these devices will need to be fitted and installed. The details are fitted at the level +0.00 in the turbine hall of NPP. Their total weight reaches 164 tonnes.
By the end of this task the installers would have fitted over 800 tonnes of new equipment. Currently, the middle and top parts of these devices are also being prepared for installation.
Moisture separator-reheaters (MSR) and their component parts are installed at nuclear power plants to dehydrate and overheat the steam fed in from the high-pressure turbine cylinder, which operates on saturated steam. MSR devices are classified as auxiliary machinery of turbo generators, which operates in the intermediate steam separation and reheating systems created to increase the efficiency of the turbine and reduce the wear and tear of its equipment.
Installing the separator-reheaters will open up a scope of tasks for installing the turbine unit, which will become one of the key events in the construction of LNPP-2 in 2013.
TITAN-2 is one of the contractors involved in construction and installation works at the power units 1 and 2 of the Leningrad NPP-2. The company performs over 30% of all general construction and 80% of installation works. 145 construction sites are simultaneously underway at the new site of Leningrad NPP. The holding's own specialists are involved at 42 sites of the 1st and 2nd power units of LNPP-2. The works involve operations with the reactor hall, turbine, power supply, water supply and other facilities of the power units. In total, the project of new LNPP-2 comprises 270 main and auxiliary facilities.
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