01 Февраля 2025 | суббота | 21:51

Suzunskoye Field Reserves Increase by 15% Following Additional Exploration

Апреля 19, 2013

Recoverable reserves of Suzunskoye field increased almost 15% reaching 44.9 mln tonnes of oil. Revaluation was conducted after drilling of an additional well, which gave flow rate of 281 tonnes per day.

Supplementary exploration was conducted after specialists of Tyumen Oil Scientific Center thoroughly researched geological peculiarities of Suzunskoye field and created its adjusted 3D model. As a result, additional well was drilled deeper than originally planned.

Suzunskoye oil and gas field was discovered in 1972. It is located in Bolshekhetsk petroleum province in the north of Krasnoyarsk territory. Design of the site structure and facilities is expected to be completed in 2013. Oilfield full-scale development launch is planned for 2016.

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