15 Марта 2025 | суббота | 13:32

Turboatom manufactured and assembled the first case of condenser of Rostov NPP

Апреля 22, 2013

In April 2013, in the workshop of machining and welding manufacture OJSC "Turboatom" in the presence of the customer’s representatives took control assembly of the first case of the condenser of the turbine – million of unit No 4 of Rostov NPP, which consists of six modules

After that, the company's specialists have started to scalding of tubes of the first and second condenser module. Next scalding will be held on the remaining modules, after which the filling with titanium tubes will be done. A condenser consists of three cases by six modules each.

Contract with a partner of the company LLC "KomplektEnergo" (Russia) for the supply condenser under construction power unit No4 of Rostov NPP was signed in December 2011. Delivery date - July 2014.

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