RAO ES of East investment program for 2012-2014 provides for financing of the construction of TPP in total amount of RUR 10.2 bn. The total electric capacity of the Vostochnaya TPP will be 139 MW, thermal capacity – 420 Gcal/h.
RusHydro’s strategy of energy development in the Far East includes the replacement of economically inefficient capacities with effective power generation through incorporation of hydro and thermal generation; signing direct contracts with consumers of both existing and generation assets under construction; realization of electricity export opportunities to neighboring countries and implementation of investment projects using public-private partnership tools and project financing.
Факты из архива:
Вакуумный насос в сталеплавильном производстве
Строительство модульных зданий
Каркасный дом под ключ
Конденсаторные установки