10 Марта 2025 | понедельник | 19:15

Aviation Kerosene at Irkutsk Airport Now Lower in Price

Июня 09, 2013

The Aerofuels Group reduced the price of aviation fuel by 3.9%, amounted to 1,400 rubles per ton in absolute terms. This is the second drop in prices since the beginning of the year at TZK Irkutsk. The total price reduction for the period made 6.3% or 2,323 rubles per ton.

“A significant pricecut by summer travel season will allow airlines to save on jet fuel, which is one of the most important components of their costs. Savings on one 20 tons flight only make about 50,000 rubles. Provided that this oil market tendency of aviation kerosene pricecut remains, an airline that performs at least one flight from Irkutsk daily, may save about 5 million rubles for the summer period”, said Yury Popov, the Director General of TZK Aerofuels.

TZK Irkutsk enters the network of 19 refueling complexes owned by the “Aerofuels Group”. It is one of the first alternative complexes in Russia, started in 2002. The refueling facility applies standards consistent with the current domestic and international norms and requirements. It also has its own laboratory to perform quality control of aviation fuel and fleet of modern aircraft fuellers.

Факты из архива:
Экологичный коттедж появился в подмосковном Новом Ступино
Строительство модульных зданий
На Троицкую ГРЭС поступила первая партия металлоконструкций для строящегося энергоблока
Минэнерго РФ: саморегулируемые организации должны поставить заслон некачественным энергопаспортам
Проект строительства Чебоксарской ГЭС отправится на Госэскпертизу до конца июня 2012 года

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