10 Марта 2025 | понедельник | 19:21

Krasny Kotelshchik has Shipped Equipment for Izhevskaya CHPP-1

Июня 09, 2013

The Taganrog Boiler-Making Works “Krasny Kotelshchik” (the main manufacturing facilities of PJSC EMAlliance, a member of the power plant concern Power Machines) has shipped the last HRSG group for Power Unit PGU-230 of Izhevskaya CHPP-1.

The Contract between PJSC EMAlliance and OJSC Territorial Generating Company No.5, a member of the largest in the field of electric power industry and heat supply company СJSC Integrated energy systems was concluded in June 2011. According to the contractual relations EMAlliance performs designing, manufacturing and supply of HRSG, auxiliary equipment and systems to it, provides services for site and adjustment supervision of the supplied equipment, participates in the functional tests, trial starts, reliability run and guarantee tests of the HRSG.
The specialists of PJSC Engineering Centre EMAlliance - BSDB BP (Barnaul) designed the equipment as per the license of the American company Nooter/Eriksen. The HRSG and auxiliary complete parts were manufactured and supplied by the main manufacturing facilities of EMAlliance – PJSC Krasny Kotelshchik.
We remind that the HRSGs manufactured on the basis of Nooter/Eriksen technologies have high rate of boiler operation flexibility and reliability, are manufactured and supplied to the plant with maximum prefabricated subassemblies of high operational compatibility that reduces significantly the scope and duration of the erection works. One of the peculiarities of the plant modernization project is installation of the new equipment at CHPP considering its existing layout and circuit design. In this connection it was required to carry out dismantling and transfer of buildings, structures and communications located in the construction area.
Earlier in 2012 OJSC Power Machines completed the supply of equipment set consisting of the gas turbine GTE-160, the generator with capacity of 180 MW, the excitation system and thyristor starter to it, the gas turbine plant automatic control system, the complex air-cleaning device and auxiliary equipment of the gas turbine plant. Besides, OJSC Power Machines’ obligations include site supervision services, the customer personnel instruction, participation in the individual tests, as well as complex trial tests and guarantee tests. At the present time the equipment erection works are carried out.
Scaling works at Izhevskaya CHPP-1 will allow to increase the installed electric capacity of the plant by 230 MW and will provide the efficiency of the introduced power unit more than 50%. One more important advantage of the modernized equipment usage will be reduction of the specific reference fuel consumption per generated power which will amount to about 200 gce/kW*h.

Факты из архива:
Экологичный коттедж появился в подмосковном Новом Ступино
Строительство модульных зданий
На Троицкую ГРЭС поступила первая партия металлоконструкций для строящегося энергоблока
Минэнерго РФ: саморегулируемые организации должны поставить заслон некачественным энергопаспортам
Проект строительства Чебоксарской ГЭС отправится на Госэскпертизу до конца июня 2012 года

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