10 Марта 2025 | понедельник | 16:40

RusHydro hydropower plants of the Volgo-Kama cascade successfully went through an intensive spring flood

Июня 21, 2013

JSC RusHydro announces that according to the current hydrological conditions of the Volga and Kama rivers the spring flood and water runoff are now complete.

The spills of excess water from storages of all RusHydro hydroelectric plants located on these two rivers with total installed capacity of over 10 GW have been finished.

Since June water inflow to the Kamskaya and Votkinskaya HPPs has decreased by almost 3,000 m³/second. The inflow to other RusHydro plants of the cascade is also decreasing. All reservoirs are full and operate in drawdown mode.

According to the forecast water inflow to reservoirs of the cascade in the second quarter of 2013 will amount to 172.3-180.3 km³ as compared to the long-run average of 161 km³.

In Siberia, RusHydro power plants continue accumulating water in reservoirs. The upper level of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP is 525.79 m (normal water level is 539 m). Water inflow to reservoir is 5,950 m³/second, average total discharge is 1991 m³/second.

The upper level of the Novosibirskaya HPP is 112.78 m (normal water level is 113.5 m). Water inflow to the Boguchanskaya HPP has substantially decreased in June from 3,620 m³/second to 3,000 m³/second. Currently, the Boguchanskiy storage level is 188.1 m.

From the beginning of June water inflow to the Bureyskaya HPP in the Russian Far East has increased from 3,860 m³/second to 5,068 m³/second. The plant will continue to operate in drawdown mode till the end of the month.

Water inflow to the Zeyskaya HPP since last week has doubled and now amounts to 2,460 m³/second. The upper level of reservoir reached 313.91 m (normal water level is 315 m). Water in the amount of 365 m³/secondflows into the downstream through working hydropower units.

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