10 Марта 2025 | понедельник | 13:43

Technopromexport will Build Largest Power Plant on Yamal

Июля 22, 2013

Company "Technopromexport" (TPE) has won a tender for implementation of the «Yamal LNG» Project for construction of a power plant for the liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant on the South Tambeysk gas field (the Yamal peninsula). The corresponding agreement is scheduled to be signed in the near future.

Technopromexport, which is a part of the Rostech State Corporation, shall build a power plant on the Yamal peninsula to support operations of the liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant near settlement Sabetta. The first stage of the power plant construction project is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2015. Total designed capacity is 376 MW.  

«Based on the results of the tender, which was held by «Yamal LNG» in the end of 2012, «Technopromexport» was selected as the general contractor for the power generating facility at the SPG plant on the Yamal peninsula, stated Mr. Yury Minchenko, the Interim General Director of the TPE. We possess all necessary competences for the implementation of such a complex project. «Technopromexport» is capable of ensuring high quality, and uninterrupted implementation of works, and also, is in a position to render services in design work, construction, development of an optimum transportation scheme, in particular, organization of equipment delivery by sea in the Arctic climate conditions, which is necessary for timely implementation of the power plant construction project».

«Technopromexport» possesses vast experience of the implementation of similar projects under difficult environmental conditions. For example, the company has successfully carried out construction of the Urengoy GRES, the Mutnovsky GeoPP, and other facilities.

The «Yamal LNG» project provides for building a plant for liquefied natural gas (LNG) production, capacity 16.5 million tons LNG per year based on the resources of the South Tambeysk gas field. The proved and probable gas reserves in the field as of 31.12.12, according to the PRMS standards, amount to 907 billion cubic m. The Project implementation includes organization of the transportation infrastructure including a seaport and an airport near settlement Sabetta (the northeast part of the Yamal peninsula). The shareholders of OJSC «Yamal LNG» are OJSC "NOVATEC" (80 %) and Total (20 %).

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