10 Марта 2025 | понедельник | 13:30

Rusatom Overseas joins the Nuclear Industry Association

Июля 25, 2013

“Our main objective is to promote Russian technologies to foreign markets, and build mutually beneficial cooperation with foreign partners for further joint implementation of projects worldwide”, noted Director General of Rusatom Overseas Dzhomart Aliev.

Rusatom Overseas has joined the Nuclear Industry Association (NIA), the trade association for the UK’s civil nuclear industry.

The NIA represents more than 260 companies across the UK’s civil nuclear supply chain. It has two key roles: first to act as the voice of the UK’s nuclear industry, making the case for nuclear energy to a range of influential audiences including government, parliament and the media; and second, to support the commercial interests of its members both in the UK and across the globe.

With demand for nuclear energy growing worldwide Russian and British companies are playing an increasingly significant part in the global nuclear industry. This has raised the potential for mutually beneficial collaboration between the two industries, not just in the territories of Great Britain and Russia but also in the territories of third countries. With this in mind a Joint Working Group on Cooperation in the Peaceful Use of Atomic Energy was recently created between Rosatom and the Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC) within the framework of UK-Russia Energy Dialogue.

Chief Executive of the NIA Keith Parker said: “We are delighted to welcome Rusatom Overseas to the NIA membership. Both the UK and Russia have a long history in the civil nuclear industry and this relationship will allow both parties to benefit from shared expertise and experience. “Rusatom Overseas have joined us at a crucial stage in the development of a low-carbon future for Britain in which nuclear will have a hugely important part to play”, emphasized K. Parker. “We look forward to working closely with Rusatom Overseas to ensure greater co-operation between our national industries”, he noted.

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