10 Марта 2025 | понедельник | 13:29

Integrated testing of Power Generating Unit No2 at Kurgan CHP-2 has been completed

Июля 26, 2013

The tests involved a 72-hour operation of the power generating unit at rated load followed by mandatory tests under various operating conditions.

The reliability and operability of the main equipment and auxiliary systems was verified; no operating irregularities were identified. Based on the test results the power plant committed capacity was certified by the Grid Operator of the Unified Energy System of Russia. The integrated test completion signifies a successful completion of the Kurgan CHP-2 construction and the plant readiness to deliver its total power to the grid.

Kurgan CHP-2 will consist of two 111 MW power generating units. Each power unit includes a 76 MW PG 6111FA gas turbine, made by General Electric, a 35 MW SST-400 cogeneration steam turbine, made by Siemens, and a heat recovery steam generator. The CHP installed electrical capacity will amount to 222 MW, the heat output- to 250 Gcal/h. The construction of Kurgan CHP-2 will substantially improve the power service in the Kurgan region and create favorable conditions for social and economic development of the town and region.

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