10 Марта 2025 | понедельник | 13:51

SIBUR Continues Unification of Polypropylene Grading Codes

Июля 28, 2013

As part of its efforts to unify polypropylene grading codes, SIBUR has introduced a new component that will indicate each product’s production plant of origin.

For example, in the grading code PP H030GP/1, PP indicates the polymer type (PP – polypropylene) and H, its class (H – homopolymer); the digits show the target melt flow rate (MFR) times ten, the GP letters after the digits designate the product’s use or processing methods (in this case, GP stands for general purpose), and digit 1 indicates the production plant – Tomskneftekhim.

For polypropylene grading codes produced by NPP Neftekhimiya, a joint venture of Gazprom Neft Moscow Refinery and SIBUR Holding, the digit 2 is used.

NPP Neftekhimiya has been using the new coding standard since March 2013 and Tomskneftekhim switched over to the universal grading codes in 2011. Once commissioned, the new Tobolsk-Polymer facility will also use this coding standard.

The new codes are more informative as they indicate the polymer’s type, use and MFR, making it easier for consumers to choose the grade they need while giving them a better understanding of the company’s grade range. In addition, the code’s new component will instantly indicate which production facility the product comes from.

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