10 Марта 2025 | понедельник | 16:06

Specialists complete the second overhead travelling crane installation works for the turbine building of LNPP-2 first energy block

Июля 28, 2013

Electric installation engineers of the holding’s subsidiary, OJSC “Sosnovoborelectormontazh” finish electrical installation works on a 15-ton capacity overhead travelling crane and set to assembling a 50-ton turbine building crane.

Electrical installation and crane assembling works are performed at section 3 of CJSC “SEM”. All works are performed as planned. The process of the installation represents assembling and putting the overhead travelling crane on the crane rafts, electrical equipment installation, adjusting and startup procedures.  The full set of electric installation works being completed, static and dynamic testing is to take place before the crane is commissioned.

At present, the installation of a 15-ton overhead travelling crane is on the stage of completion in the turbine building. Following this, a team of OJSC “Sosnovoborelectromontazh” electrical engineers will begin the installation of a 50-ton overhead travelling crane in the machine hall of the turbine building.  During the construction period it will be used for equipment and heavy details installation, and after the station is commissioned – for repair and replacement of equipment parts.

An overhead electrical crane is an equipment item of high demand used in construction during reconstruction, as technical equipment, weight-lifting and transporting mechanism at production enterprises. The turbine building of energy block 1 has one main 440 crane, and three auxiliary ones, weighing 50, 16 and 15 tons.   All the four cranes are an essential part of the machine hall of the turbine building.

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