10 Марта 2025 | понедельник | 16:25

Aksu thermal power plant (Kazakhstan) has launched the turbine manufactured by JSC Turboatom

Июля 30, 2013

After installation and complex commissioning on the block No 6 of Aksu thermal power plant has launched the turbine K-325 with the capacity of 325 MW manufactured by JSC Turboatom.

Start-up of the idle running turbine was made in April, 2013 with the assistance of specialists of the enterprise then planned development of capacity was carried out. Since May, 3 the turbine unit worked in a mode of 72 hours with the maximum loading of 334 MW. Under the results of tests the turbine was handed over to the commercial operation.

It is the fifth power unit of Aksu thermal power plant launched with the equipment of "Turboatom" start-up of turbine units on No. No. 1, 2, 3 and 4 blocks took place earlier.

According to the contract signed in March, 2010 "Turboatom" replaced the unit K-300-240 for the turbine of new generation K-325. As a result of the modernization the capacity of the turbine increased by 25 MW, increased efficiency and flexibility. Besides, after the reconstruction service life of the power unit and all power plants will increase, specific fuel consumption will decrease by 5% that in turn will improve ecological indicators of thermal power plant.

On all eight blocks of Aksu thermal power plant, since 1968, steam turbines manufactured by JSC "Turboatom" are installed.

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