Analysis showed that under a FAS determination, “Rosneft” NK” OJSC must sell fuelling stations in Orel, Smolensk, Tambov, Kostroma, Saratov and Samara regions. Reductions of the shares of “Rosneft” NK” OJSC of the retail market of oil products varies from 0.07% to 20.25%.
To further execute the determination, within a year upon receiving the FAS letter “Rosneft” NK” OJSC must organize competitive bidding to sell fuelling stations.
“Rosneft” NK” OJSC has submitted to FAS information about its trading practices specifying the general principles of pricing used by the company and the procedures for selling motor fuel in the domestic market of the Russian Federation. FAS will consider these trading practices in the near future.
FAS intends to continue monitoring execution of the determination by “Rosneft” NK” OJSC.
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