10 Марта 2025 | понедельник | 17:15

Duisen Mergaliyev becomes acting Electricity Generation Director of DTEK

Августа 03, 2013

Sergei Tazin, who has led DTEK’s Electricity Generation Division, has accomplished the tasks set out by his one-year contract, and is to leave his post on 1 August. Duisen Mergaliyev, Deputy Director for Operations, has been appointed Acting Head of the Division.

“I sincerely wish Sergei success and further professional growth,” said DTEK’s CEO Maxim Timchenko. “He has proved to be a highly professional manager. I believe his international track record, including the experience he gained with the largest energy company of Ukrain, will be an asset to any future employer. Sergei has accomplished the tasks that were set for him: his team has finalized a detailed long-term development strategy for DTEK’s Heat Generation Business, prepared the environmental strategy of the business, and selected the most suitable technologies and parameters for the new construction projects. He has also participated in the continued retrofit of four power units at Burshtynska, Dobrotvirska, Kryvorizka, and Ladyzhynska TPPs. The Electricity Generation Division and several TPP have undergone a management reform. Sergei has laid a solid foundation for operational efficiency in his division and at the Company’s enterprises. I am sure that the team formed by Sergei will be able to pursue the implemented policy”,

“DTEK has set the ambitious goal to complete the comprehensive upgrading of TPPs by 2020,” said Sergey Tazin. “This requires swift decision-making, large-scale engineering works performed at several TPPs simultaneously, comprehensive restructuring, and a strong management culture. I was lucky to be a part of these projects. Tasks of such magnitude and complexity are certainly a serious, but interesting challenge for any manager. Implementation of DTEK’s plans is important not only for the Company’s development, but for Ukraine’s energy sector as a whole, and I am sure DTEK will succeed.”

Duisen Mergalyiev, who joined the Company in 2011, was appointed Acting Electricity Generation Director.

Mergaliyev was born on 15 December 1969. In 1992, he graduated from Pavlodar State University (Kazakhstan) with a degree in mechanical engineering.

His career started in 1992 at Ekibastuzskaya TPP-1, which in 1996 became part of AES group. He started his work in AES as a construction engineer and later worked as technical director, head of AES-Great Britain subsidiary in Ekibastuz (Kazakhstan) and general director of Ust-Kamenogorskaya CHPP.

DTEKis the largest energy company in Ukraine. It is part of the financial and industrial group System Capital Management (SCM). The shareholder of the group is Rinat Akhmetov. Maksym Timchenko is the Chief Executive Officer of DTEK. Currently, DTEK employs 140 thousand people.

Electricity is the core product of DTEK. The assets portfolio is represented by 10 thermal power plants and two combined heat and power plants with 18 GW of total installed capacity; one wind farm with the designed installed capacity of 200 MW; five electricity distribution and sales enterprises, which provide services to over 5.2 million customers – both individuals and legal entities; 31 mines and 13 coal-processing plants; oil and gas extraction assets.

In 2012, DTEK’s enterprises generated 51.4 TWh and purchased 53.9 TWh of electricity for further supply to consumers; coal output equaled 39.7 mln tonnes and coal processing amounted to 27.7 mln tonnes. DTEK exports electricity to six countries and coal to 36 countries worldwide.

DTEK’s consolidated revenues in 2012 amounted to UAH 82.5 billion; the Company’s net profit totalled UAH 5.9 billion.

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