Adjusting and start-up procedures for the equipment for producing coking coal concentrate at Elga seasonal washing plant were completed. The plant is due to be launched at full capacity before the end of August. Production work shifts were formed in order to ensure the plant’s round-the-clock operation.
Before the end of this year’s season, the factory will process about 50,000 tonnes of raw coal. The test batch produced at the washing plant will be sent to Chelyabinsk Coke and Chemical Products Plant (Mechel Coke), which is part of the Group’s mining segment.
Next year the Group plans to consider the possibility of exporting coking coal concentrate to foreign consumers.
Факты из архива:Переселенцы из зоны затопления БоГЭС бесплатно получат землю под строительство жилья
Строительство модульных зданий
Преимущества бетона как строительного материала
Технологии каркасного домостроения