10 Марта 2025 | понедельник | 19:41

Gazprom Neft approves programme to study shale oil reserves in the Bazheno-Abalaksky complex at the Krasnoleninskoye field

Августа 09, 2013

The project’s new phase involves drilling four inclined wells to a depth of 2,700-2,800 meters over the next year. Drilling will start by the end of 2013 and be completed by summer 2014.

Gazprom Neft completed tests on the first appraisal well drilled in the Palyanovskaya zone to study the Bazheno-Abalaksky stratum in spring 2013. The well produced an oil flow at a rate of 80 cubic metres per day. Based on these results Gazprom Neft was able to draw up a conceptual model of the field and reserves in the Bazheno-Abalaksky complex as well as plan further development of the site and define locations for the new appraisal and production wells. These will all be relatively close to the existing well.

Results taken from the four new wells will support a more extensive study to determine the feasibility of developing the fields at the Bazheno-Abalaksky complex and help refine the geological model of the layer and its potential output. In autumn 2014 Gazprom Neft will consider whether it should move on to the next stage - drilling commercial production wells on this site.

Vadim Yakovlev, First Deputy CEO of Gazprom Neft, said:

“Gazprom Neft’s strategy to 2025 is to maintain its reserves-to-production ratio at a 20 year level. This means we have to increase our resource base and developing non-traditional reserves, for example, bringing the Bazheno-Abalaksky complex on stream.”

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