The works are carried out from elevation –3,850 m up to –1,250 m by construction workers of the contractor OEK LLC (United Power Construction Company, Moscow) supervised by Rosenergoatom’s branch – Directorate of Baltic NPP under Construction – and the principal contractor, NIAEP.
The corrosion-resistant metal lining is applied on walls of the first reactor vault, which houses the core melt trap (“core catcher”) designed to retain meltdown nuclear fuel. The lining, or rather coating, of 200 microns in thickness is applied using the electric arc spraying technique.
According to the approved target plan, the work continues at other facilities of Unit 1. In the safety building specialists of Stroytekhsystema concrete the floor at elevation -3,700 m. At the facility “Control Building” specialists of SMU-1 LLC erect walls from elevation -3,700 m up to elevation 0,400 m.
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