Mr. Dmitriy Tarasov, who earlier held the position of the First Deputy CEO for Sales of PJSC EMAlliance, was appointed to a position of CEO of PJSC EMAlliance by the resolution of the only shareholder. By the resolution of the Board of Director Mr. Alexander Shkarupa, who held, until recent time, the position of the Deputy CEO for Production – Company’s Chief Engineer, was appointed to the position of CEO of PJSC TKZ Krasny Kotelshchik. The resolutions of the new appointments are valid for a period up to 3 months. These resolutions were taken due to a transfer of Mr. Sergey Toropov, who held concurrently positions of CEO of PJSC TKZ Krasny Kotelshchik and CEO of PJSC EMAlliance, to a position of Division Director of Severstal Russian Steel.
The goal of the new PJSC EMAlliance and PJSC TKZ Krasny Kotelshchik Management is to continue the approved Company development policy aimed at the growth of financial targets, backlog gain, cost saving, increase in production volume, implementation of the Company’s investment program.
In the course of the session the members of the Board noted excellent management skills of Mr. Sergey Toropov and expressed him their gratitude for his time devoted to PJSC EMAlliance and PJSC TKZ Krasny Kotelshchik.
According to Mr. Igor Kostin, the CEO of OJSC Power Machines, the Company that owns 100% shares of PJSC EMAlliance, EMAlliance has taken significant steps under the auspices of Mr. Sergey Toropov. “The process of EMAlliance integration into the Power Machines Concern has been started: sales, purchasing and manufacturing processes are being optimized, the teamwork on the innovation technologies is being performed, and partnerships with foreign companies are actively expanded. of Business system projects aimed at achieving the strategic goals and raising the competitive ability of the Company are implemented, the work on consolidation of corporate values is in progress”, noted Mr. Igor Kostin.
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