The project to deploy the integrated management system in NIAEP as per standards ISO 14001:2004 “Environmental Management Systems” and BS OHSAS 18001:2007 “Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems” was started in 2012. The project completing stage was the certification audit held in the company’s Volgodonsk Branch on July 8-10 and NIAEP Central Administration on July 15-19, 2013.
“The sustainable development policy is one of priorities in the company’s development areas,” Sergey Sadkov, the Head of Labor Protection Department, said. “Conformance to the international standards of quality, ecology, occupational safety and health today is not just a competitive advantage but a requirement set by the world economic and industrial community.”
The integrated management systems created at NIAEP will help not only systematize labor protection and ecology preservation activities but also form a new interaction pattern of the labor safety management, which is based on the cooperation with and involvement of any and all employees of the company.
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