03 Февраля 2025 | понедельник | 07:02

News from «Yurkharovo-2»

Сентября 02, 2013

The specialists of PJSC «Sumy Frunze NPO» successfully completed engine «dry starting» on four turbo-compressors, which are the part of the 2nd stage of the BCS of Yurkharovskoye oil and gas condensate field.

Dmitry Zhulev, the head of division of Installation Department, informed on that directly from the construction site. The next step is commissioning under load. As the customer, the company «NOVATEK-Yurkharovneftegaz», wanted - these works will begin in September.

According to Dmitry Zhulev, the specialists of Company Installation Department began work on the 2nd stage of the BCS of Yurkharovskoye field in January of this year. At that time pile field and individual equipment foundations were made. «And now it is August. And we have the following results: 95% of BCS main and auxiliary equipment construction and assembly volume was realized, all communications were laid, installation of cable networks was carried out. Turbo-compressors «no load» commissioning has been already completed», - Mr. Zhulev says.

«After fuel and process gas supplying to «Yurkharovo-2» we will begin to start turbo-compressor packages for the launch acceptance testing followed by the commissioning. All of the power work is scheduled for early September», - adds Dmitry Zhulev.

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