11 Марта 2025 | вторник | 02:02

SUEK concluded a contract with Tikhvinsky Carriage Works (TCW) on delivery of 6000 innovative BARBER S-2-R bogie carriages

Сентября 12, 2013

The carriages have increased load capacity (75 tons) and special tariff. The design of BARBER S-2-R bogie features technologies, which allowed to produce the undercarriage of rail cars with safety, functional reliability and life cycle cost indices having no analogs on the RF and CIS territory.

Carriages of other manufacturers have no tariff allowance at analogous operating parameters.

SUEK was the first in Russia to receive new carriages of TCW for supervised operation. SUEK’s total demand for carriages comprises about 48000, the own fleet is about 20000.

The contract is concluded for 5 years with the right to redeem carriages in 3 years.

According to Deputy Director General, logistics director of SUEK OJSC Denis Ilatovsky, the company expects to increase carrying capacity at shipment and in ports by 8% and to reduce transportation expenses due to the discount on these carriages and a larger load capacity. 

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