11 Марта 2025 | вторник | 01:52

Special supplement to Nuclear Engineering International issue dedicated to the Russian AES-2006 project published

Сентября 12, 2013

An international magazine Nuclear Engineering International (NEI) together with Rusatom Overseas (a subsidiary of ROSATOM Corporation) created a special supplement to the NEI magazine, which is devoted to the Russian AES-2006 project with VVER -1200 reactor.

The issue with the special supplement and accompanied by an article is published in September 2013 and will be presented at the annual symposium of the World Nuclear Association (WNA), taking place from 11 to 13 September in London.

In each copy of the magazine an A1 format wall chart in of the AES-2006 project is enclosed. The wall chart shows a cut-away diagram of the modern Russian NPP project. The wall chart gives an idea about the structure of a power unit, its main equipment, as well as the technical characteristics and safety features of the project. NEI has been creating and publishing similar charts for more than 50 years and all in all it has been created around 100 wall charts. Thus, in one of the editions of the year 1964 NEI released a cut-away wall chart of the “Lenin” icebreaker. Many of the most world popular projects of different reactor types were depicted on NEI wall charts.

In addition to the AES-2006 wall chart the article «A world-class PWR from St. Petersburg» was published in the magazine. This article describes the development of the AES-2006 with the VVER-1200, its technical and economic characteristics, as well as its safety systems. The project was implemented with the direct participation of the specialists from SPbAEP, a branch of VNIPIET Institute. The recognized international expert and Vice President of Rusatom Overseas Jukka Laaksonen participated as a consultant in preparing the wall chart and the article.

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