11 Марта 2025 | вторник | 03:59

Power Machines manufactured second turbine generator for Leningradskaya NPP-2

Сентября 13, 2013

Power Machines OJSC manufactured and tested high-speed fully water-cooled 1200 MW turbine generator designed for the second power unit of Leningradskaya NPP-2 being under construction.

Following the results of acceptance tests, a report has been signed, which confirms that the tests have been performed in full scope in compliance with applicable programme and procedures and that the turbine generator meets specification requirements and has been passed for the final acceptance check.

This is the fourth fully water-cooled 1200 MW turbine generator manufactured by Power Machines OJSC. Earlier, turbine generators of this type were produced for two power units of Novovoronezhskaya NPP-2, as well as for the first power unit of Leningradskaya NPP-2. Currently, production of similar turbine generator equipment for the first power unit of Belarusian NPP, which is being constructed, is underway.

Major advantage of high-speed water-cooled turbine generator is the high degree of their explosion and fire safety, which is achieved due to cooling of startor’s and rotor’s coil and core with distillate. Moreover, design of generators pertaining to this type only applies noncombustible materials, whereas the inner volume of the machine is filled with air under a slight overpressure. Lack of hydrogen as a cooling agent excludes costs related to maintenance of equipment during preparation of hydrogen, as well as of carbon dioxide and nitrogen, which are used for hydrogen displacement. Fitting out of power units of state district power plants and nuclear power plants with fully water-cooled generators ensures high reliability and safety of power plants, personnel and adjacent territories, while huge costs for fire prevention measures are decreased by several times.

Power Machines OJSC and Atomenergoprom OJSC signed contracts to supply complete sets of main turbine hall equipment for fitting out of Novovoronezhskaya NPP-2 and Leningradskaya NPP-2 in May 2008. Two power units with VVER-type reactors (each having an electric capacity of 1200 MW) will be built at each of the nuclear plants.

According to the contract terms, Power Machines are to provide design, manufacturing and supply of four complete sets of steam turbines, condensers and separate auxiliary equipment for turbine plant systems, as well as four complete sets of turbine generators comprising auxiliary systems equipment, an excitation system and an exciter to Novovoronezhskaya NPP-2 and Leningradskaya NPP-2.

So far, Power Machines manufactured two turbines and two turbine generators for Novovoronezhskaya NPP-2, as well as the first turbine and two turbine generators for Leningradskaya NPP-2. Activities on assembly of the second turbine for Leningradskaya NPP-2 are nearing completion.

High-speed 1200 MW turbine generators for nuclear power plants are latest developments of Power Machines designed for new-generation power units of the NPP-2006 project and featuring improved reliability and safety. Currently, 1200 MW turbines are the world’s most powerful high-speed steam turbines. Cutting-edge engineering solutions and technologies, as well as expertise gained during production of turbines for Kudankulam NPP (India) and operation of turbines at Tianwan NPP (China) and Kalininskaya NPP were used in design and production of these turbines.
Novovoronezhskaya NPP-2 and Leningradskaya NPP-2 are the first nuclear power plants to be built from scratch in Russia within the last 15 years.

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