11 Марта 2025 | вторник | 04:27

TANECO´s Technologies Are in the Service of Environmentalists

Сентября 16, 2013

There are treatment technologies being successfully implemented at the wastewater treatment facilities of the TANECO Oil Refining and Petrochemical Plants Complex, which allow achieving high quality treatment of industrial effluents.

The work has been started under a special program, which provides for the biological degradation of the sludge, which has already passed through the dehydration unit treatment, with application of "Devoroil" compound.

One of the main priorities for JSC TATNEFT in the implementation of the Nizhnekamsk Oil Refining and Petrochemical Plants Complex (NPiNHZ Complex) construction project is its environmental commitment. One of the main targets of JSC TANECO is yielding of products that meet the highest environmental standards while minimizing the production processes impact on the environment. Accordingly, the treatment facilities of the NPiNHZ Complex have been designed to address the full cycle of cleaning and combine cutting-edge technologies of the well known Russian and foreign companies. In particular, for the treatment of highly mineralized water effluents generated during the operation of any refineries, there is a two stage "electrodialysis reversal process - reverse osmosis" desalination technology being introduced at the Complex, which has no analogues in Russia. In this case de-mineralized drains are returned back into the production process and the remaining brine with high salt content is sent to the JSC TATNEFT for injection into disposal wells. This engineering development completely eliminates formation of salt wastes, and results in solving the problem of environmental pollution in the region.

Further oil sludge purification is carried out at TANECO with application of biological compounds for oil contamination removal from water and soil. The program implementation providing for the biological degradation with application of the "Devoroil" compound has been launched this summer. This compound is a carefully selected hydrocarbon-oxidizing microbiocenosis successfully working in the natural and man-made ecosystems.

Microbial strains in the biological compound composition applied at the NPiNHZ Complex have been extracted from natural ecosystems and have proved their complete environmental and health safety. Biodegradation of oil results in generation of easily degradable bacterial protein and neutral organic decomposition products of petroleum hydrocarbons, which have no negative effect on the ecosystems.

The proximity of the treatment facilities to the main production plants of the NPiNHZ Complex eliminates the need to transport contaminated industrial effluents over long distances minimizing the risk of accidental sewage pipeline ruptures.

Operating today there are the blocks of wastewater pre-treatment, physical-chemical wastewater treatment, biological wastewater treatment, collection and treatment of trapped oil products, collection and dewatering of residue, slops and excess sludge, UV decontamination, advanced treatment of waste water to be discharged into the Kama River and also sludge utilization. The planned facilities include a 1 million cubic meters accumulating pond, which will ensure a large reserve of purified water and will allow stopping discharge of water into the Kama River.

All the possibilities of making maximum rational use of water resources have been employed at TANECO. The treatment facilities of the enterprise operating in a closed cycle principle annually provide for returning nearly 100 percent of the water back to the production thereby saving about 9.27 million cubic meters of the river water. These savings are equal to the average annual needs of an 84 thousand population city.

There is a system of water consumption and wastewater metering organized at the Oil Refining and Petrochemical Plants Complex, metering stations are equipped with electromagnetic flow meters. The pumping station equipment that supplies water to the Complex is equipped with a system of group control (frequency regulators) allowing to automatically adjust the water supply process.

Much attention has been devoted as early as the design stage to industrial and environmental safety. Six emergency regulating tanks of 115,000 cubic meters total capacity have been built at the territory of the treatment facilities. In emergency events the effluents will be redirected to these receivers. This scheme allows you to keep the activated sludge, which is the basis of biological treatment, and also fully eliminates contamination of soils and waters pools adjacent to the territory of the plants.

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