11 Марта 2025 | вторник | 03:57

10 transformers for Armenia will be supplied by ZTR

Сентября 18, 2013

“Zaporozhtransformator” (ZTR) PJSC has signed contract with Tekhutskiy copper-molibdenic plant (TCMP), Armenia. ZTR will supply 8 transformers rated for power 1.6 MVA and 2 transformers rated for power 4 MVA according to requirements of contract.

«It is not the first delivery of equipment for the plant, - mentions Alexander Tsier, Sales Director of “ZTR” PJSC. – Since the year 2012 twelve similar transformers of different power up to 6.3 MVA voltage class from 10 up to 35 kV have been manufactured as well as supplied by ZTR. Order was performed within reduced terms and of high level.   This fact has become important in decision concerning selection of transformer supplier as for new tender».

“Zaporozhtransformator” PJSC will supply 22 transformers to Tekhutskiy copper-molibdenic plant that will satisfy necessity of the Customer as well as provide reliable internal power supply of major object of mining industry of Armenia.

Dispatch of equipment is scheduled for September of the year 2013.

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