INPP decommissioning works have been financed from the EU Funds for Ignalina NPP decommissioning, SE Ignalina NPP National Decommissioning Fund, Lithuanian state budget, INPP own funds and other sources.
The EU Council has reached an agreement that about 400 million euros should be allocated for Ignalina NPP decommissioning funding for the period of 2014-2020 (in the end of October the European Parliament will vote for allocation of this funding as well as for the whole multiannual financial framework 2014-2020). The allocated funds will be used only for implementation of Ignalina NPP decommissioning works. It should be noted that taking into account the expected financing and already granted but not used funds for the period of 2007-2013, the funding for INPP decommissioning works is sufficient, the safety and control of INPP is ensured in accordance with the nuclear safety requirements. Having less money for INPP decommissioning than it was planned, some parts of INPP decommissioning plan should be revised.
It should be noted that the submitted proposals of the Ministry of Energy concerns only SE INPP National Decommissioning Fund (hereafter-Fund), from which money is also used for INPP decommissioning funding. Money that INPP paid as a part of income from the sale of electricity has been accumulated in the Fund during the limited period since 1992 until 2010. Since 2010 after the final shutdown of INPP, the Fund has not been accumulated; therefore, the Fund balance decreases with time. Taking into account this fact the Ministry of Energy has prepared a draft amendment to the Law on SE INPP National Decommissioning Fund, which would enable to replenish the Fund with the money received in the result of selling INPP property. Also, it is being searched for other Fund replenishment sources. Given the fact that INPP decommissioning financial resources are limited, the proposal of Ministry of Energy is also to optimize the use of the Fund’s resources.
Natalija Survila-Glebova,
Acting head of Communications
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