11 Марта 2025 | вторник | 05:03

Three research institutes to host advanced technology center

Сентября 23, 2013

The All-Russia Research Institute of Chemical Technology (VNIIKhT), VNIPIpromtekhnologii (VNIPIPT) and the National Research Nuclear University MEPHI will establish the Engineering Center of Advanced Technologies, VNIIKhT said on September 19.

The corresponding record was signed by heads of the three institutions on September 16 on the premises of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

Within the created Center participants plan to carry out joint development of engineering and economic bases of new technological decisions, to develop the most perspective industrial technologies for their study and introduction at the enterprises, and also to develop effective approaches on improvement and optimization of operating industrial technologies in nuclear sphere.

The engineering center of perspective technologies will be a kernel of a scientific and educational complex for ensuring personnel development of nuclear branch by means of involvement of students and graduate students to work on material base of JSC VNIIHT and JSC VNIPIPT.

During a meeting the director of JSC VNIIHT Andrey Egorov emphasized need and prospects of creation of the Center allowing for the first time to combine efforts, knowledge and experience of leading branch scientific centers and the National Research Nuclear University MEPHI for performance of important strategic tasks.

Факты из архива:
«Ленэнерго» выделило более 5,5 МВА мощности кирпичному заводу
На заводе «Алнас» завершается пусконаладка новой литейной линии
Добыча на вьетнамском месторождении «Южный дракон – Морская черепаха» достигла миллиона тонн нефти
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