11 Марта 2025 | вторник | 04:57

Representative of European diplomatic missions visited production facilities of Belorusneft

Сентября 23, 2013

Heads of embassies and Representative Office of the EU in the Republic of Belarus familiarized themselves with the capabilities of the Association Belorusneft in the area of gas processing and energy.

With this purpose they visited the Belarusian Gas Processing Plant which makes part of the company structure. It is a unique enterprise of such a type in the republic. Its design capacity allows to process 500 million m3 of gas per year. BGPP also actively develops its own energy by means of modern technologies. Associated petroleum gas – local fuel – is used as raw material for the generation of electric power. It is planned to increase the share of in-house electric power in the energy balance of Belorusneft to 90 % by 2015. It will allow  to reduce the cost value of a ton of produced oil and increase the output of traded electricity.

The visit took place within the scope of the trip of the representatives of European diplomatic missions to the Gomel region. The delegation also visited the districts affected by the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant accident, met the management of the regional executive committee, and delivered special vehicles to the coast guard department of the Gomel Border Group in Loev.

Факты из архива:
«Ленэнерго» выделило более 5,5 МВА мощности кирпичному заводу
На заводе «Алнас» завершается пусконаладка новой литейной линии
Добыча на вьетнамском месторождении «Южный дракон – Морская черепаха» достигла миллиона тонн нефти
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