11 Марта 2025 | вторник | 20:28

The celebration ceremony of the first concrete installation took place at Tianvan NPP unit 4

Сентября 29, 2013

In Lianyungang (Jiangsu province, China) the celebration ceremony of the first concrete installation at the construction site of Tianvan NPP unit 4.

State Corporation Rosatom was presented at the ceremony by Mr. Viktor Godin, ROSATOM Representative in China, Mr. Valeriy Limarenko, President of United company NIAEP – Atomstroyexport and Mr. Yuriy Ivanov, Senior Vice-President – Director for Design and Development of AEP-St.-Petersburg (branch of JSC Head Institute VNIPIET) as well as by Mr. Pavel Bezlepkin, Deputy Chief Engineer of Tianvan NPP project. The Chinese party was represented by officers from CNNC and JNPS.

According to Mr. Valeriy Limarenko «the activities on construction of Tianvan NPP second stage are performed timely and efficiently thanks to good cooperation between Russian and Chinese experts and high professional skills of Chinese construction workers. This is one of the most effective units among Chinese NPPs». Mr. V. Limarenko also noted that Russia and China negotiate the issue of a fast reactor NPP construction and expressed his hopefulness regarding joint activities at the third stage of Tianvan NPP.

The General Contract for construction of the second stage of Tianvan NPP came into force on August 19, 2011. AEP-St.-Petersburg is the supplier of the nuclear island for TNPP-2. The basis for TNPP-2 design is the technology of AES-2006 (VVER-1000). It employs the principles as follows: low cost and short term of construction, combination of active and passive safety systems, minimization of human factor influence to the safety. The competences of AEP-St.-Petersburg include development of the project documentation to ensure performance of construction and installation activities at all the buildings and structures of the nuclear power plant till 2018, development of technical and customer specifications for purchase of the equipment and materials in Russia. The Institute responsibilities also concerns development and approval of the project management procedures, preliminary and final safety analysis reports (PSAR and FSAR) and supporting topical reports, probabilistic safety analysis reports, system design files for the systems of TNPP-2 nuclear island.

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