11 Марта 2025 | вторник | 20:57

ROSATOM took part in the 4th Global Nuclear Enterprises and NPP Eхplorer’s Principles of Conduct Code Developers

Октября 01, 2013

The world's leading NPP suppliers representatives meet in the 4th Review Meeting on the development and an international conduct nuclear suppliers code implementation – "NPP Exporters’ Principles of Conduct ") in Toronto (Canada).

Y.A. Mozdakov, Deputy Director of the International Nuclear Safety Department took part in the meeting from JSC "Rusatom Overseas" side.

Reaffirming their commitment to the "Principles", the participants presented the reports on the "Principles" application in their companies the activity, considered the most successful practices in the implementation of their business processes and international projects, and approved a new document version itself. During the discussions, the new participants’ connection to the "Principle" perspectives were considered, possible options for establishing a full-length collaboration to improve the wording of the "Principles" were discussed with the leading international organizations in the nuclear field (WANO, WNA, IAEA, etc.). Special attention was paid to strengthening the rules and procedures of interaction between the "Principles" participants and to improving the mechanisms for antitrust oversight. Y.A. Mozdakov  described the implemented and planned measures within the company to ensure adherence to the "NPP Exporters’ Principles of Conduct" in his report.

Adopted in September 2011 by NPP "The Nuclear Power Plant Exporters' Principles of Conduct" informal code brings together the world's leading companies engaged in the construction of nuclear power plants in the world market - AREVA, ATMEA, MHI, Westinghouse, Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, etc. The document is a set of conduct voluntary rules for export activities. It, in particular, contains the voluntary commitments of participating companies to ensure the transparency of its export performance, its compliance with the international regulations in the field of non-proliferation and global nuclear security; compliance standards and recommendations of the IAEA and the responsible and safe management of international business as a whole. From June 13, 2012 participation in the development and implementation of the "Principles" is exercised by CJSC "Rusatom Overseas" (RAOS) on the rights of the "Atomstroyexport" (ASE) receiver.

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