The transaction approved by Bashneft’s Board of Directors forms part of Bashneft’s strategy for divesting the Company’s non-core assets.
As has been reported earlier, in the first quarter of 2013, Bashneft completed the establishment of an oilfield service holding company managed by LLC Bashneft-Service Assets. The holding company comprised 11 oilfield service organizations with market development potential:
LLC Bashneft-Bureniye;
LLC Ufimsky Administration of Underground Workover;
LLC Bashkirsky Branch of Well Workover;
LLC Oktyabrsky Plant of Oilfield Equipment;
LLC Neftekamsky Plant of Oilfield Equipment;
LLC Department of Motor Vehicles of Bashneft;
LLC Oktyabrskoye Administration of Utility Vehicles;
LLC Arlanskoye Administration of Utility Vehicles;
LLC Arlanskoye Administration of Maintenance of Site Access Roads;
LLC Transkhim;
LLC Yanaulskoye Administration of Neftestroymontazh.
These enterprises provide services related to drilling, current and major workover of wells, manufacture of oilfield and mechanical equipment, transport and construction.
Bashneft and Bashneft-Service Assets will continue their cooperation on market terms.
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