12 Марта 2025 | среда | 08:20

"Turboatom" confirmed status as a reliable supplier of equipment

Октября 09, 2013

In October 2013 on OJSC "Turboatom" held its annual international independent audit of the quality management system international standard ISO 9001:2008. Certification was carried out Australian representative of SAI GLOBAL LTD.

Certification was carried out Australian representative of SAI GLOBAL LTD.

The audit specialist SAI GLOBAL LTD visited the factory shop, manufacturing and warehouse facilities, familiarized with the company's management and the organization of work, assess the qualifications of the workers and their professional skills. As a result, the auditor confirmed that the system of quality management in "Turboatom" in line with international standards and recommended for renewal of the registration certificate of ISO 9001:2008, which is valid until 2016.

In the near future SAI GLOBAL LTD will provide a report on the results of the audit.

The primary audit on "Turboatom " was held in 1996 and for the past 17 years, the company confirms the compliance of the quality management system requirements of the international quality certificate ISO 9001:2008. The scope of certification includes : designing , manufacturing, supervise erection of installation and maintenance: a steam turbine , combined cycle gas turbines , hydraulic turbines, pre-turbine valves , heaters , smoke exhaust fans , condensers for steam turbines and steam ejectors . The certificate of quality is the ability to compete with the leading manufacturers of turbine-building equipment and win in different tenders. ISO 9001:2008 standard covers all aspects of the enterprise, including the objectives and policies of the enterprise, the requirements for record keeping, customer satisfaction, internal audit and management review. The company operates a program to improve the quality of products , designed before 2015.

Recertification every three years , with this" Turboatom" annually audited to confirm the validity of the certificate of quality.

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