12 Марта 2025 | среда | 14:35

The task of Gazprom’s dispatcher services is to make the best possible use of the available UGSS capabilities

Октября 13, 2013

Ufa hosted the 9th meeting of representatives of dispatcher services from Gazprom's gas production and transmission companies.

The meeting was chaired by Boris Posyagin, Head of the Central Operations and Dispatch Department of Gazprom. In addressing the meeting, he noted that due to Gazprom's consistent efforts aimed at building up the process capacities, there had been no cases of gas supply disruption in the Russian Federation or failures to fulfill the requests of gas importing countries over the 2012–2013 winter season. This year, taking into consideration the Bovanenkovo field commissioning and continuous increase in the daily deliverability of underground gas storages, the Unified Gas Supply System (UGSS) will be more resistant to winter peak loads.

The top-priority task of Gazprom's dispatcher services at all levels is to make the best possible use of the available UGSS capabilities.

The meeting addressed a number of issues relevant to preparing for the 2013–2014 winter period, further improving the dispatch and control efficiency, forming dispatch and control development strategies in order to retain a high level of the UGSS reliability and boosting the quality of interaction between dispatcher services, inter alia, through the integration of the dispatch and control system of the Belarusian gas transmission network into the respective system of Gazprom. Special attention was paid to the vocational training of dispatchers.

The meeting participants also visited the Moskovo compressor station of Gazprom Transgaz Ufa and got acquainted with new technologies deployed recently at the station.

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