The machines have successfully completed development work for milling parts.
HAAS VF- 3 can handle body parts and parts with a complex profile with a maximum length of 1000 mm, width - 500 mm, height - 600 mm. Processing is performed in three dimensions with the possibility of a fourth axis . Machines will be used in the steam turbine, hydro turbines and tool production.
For the most effective use of the new equipment specific to the production of turbine plant specialists will produce fasteners and tooling. Engineering services businesses also are working on developing software for HAAS VF- 3.
A number of employees of "Turboatom" have already been trained on the new machine, these are machine operators, programmers and technicians.
As stressed Chief Engineer of OJSC "Turboatom" Grigoriy Ishchenko, the new equipment will reduce production cycles, "Due to the high cutting and combining a number of technological transitions, such as milling, drilling and boring, we will reduce production cycles. In addition to being the introduction of the new equipment will increase clarity and precision machining. "He also noted that the acquisition of new equipment is performed in accordance with the "Technical Upgrade Program of "Turboatom "till 2015".
In 2013, the company bought more than 40 pieces of equipment before the end of this year is expected to put into operation seven units of the new equipment. In particular, we plan to launch three lathes in the shops No 54, 56, 64, three heating furnaces in the shops No 50, No83 ( Water-wheels ) and No53 ( steam turbine ), and a machine for testing materials in a central laboratory.