139 new wells were commissioned at the Company's fields year-to-date. Production drilling meterage amounted to 775.2 ths meters, having increased by 43.2%, as compared to January-September, 2012. Associated gas utilization reached 76.5% (3% growth).
The Company's total hydrocarbons processing volume amounted to 19.8 mln tons over nine months of 2013, which is 0.8% lower than the same period of the previous year. Slavneft-Yaroslavnefteorgsintez (YANOS) refined 11.07 mln tons (1.9% decrease), and Mozyr Refinery - 8.7 mln tons (0.6% increase) of hydrocarbons.
In January-September this year, transportation gasolines production increased by 1.5%, exceeding the level of 3.8 mln tons, and diesel fuel yield increased by 3.1% up to 6.1 mln tons. YANOS refinery whose all transportation fuel conforms to Euro-5 standard, issued 1.8 mln tons of motor gasolines (1.3% increase) and 3.2 mln tons of diesel fuel (7.7% increase). Mozyr Refinery produced 2 mln tons of motor gasolines and 2.9 mln tons of diesel fuel in January-September, which is 101.7% and 98.5% accordingly, vs. the nine months of 2012.
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